Lonely Adventure

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Junmyeon P.O.V

The pictures that Jongdae showed me last week were from that day. I smiled at the memory.

It was only me and Kris eating lunch that day, I guess in the eyes of others it may have looked like a date but that wasn't the case. Sehun and Kai decided not to eat with us that day so that left only Kris and me so we went to a nearby restaurant instead of eating in the cafeteria.

It was no five star restaurant, it was a homely, the kind of place you'd go on a first date. I blushed at the thought.

We talked about a lot that day.

"How many languages do you actually speak Kris, I've heard that you speak at least 10"

He chocked on his drink and started shaking his head "No I only speak four, sorry to disappoint" He took a napkin and wiped his mouth " Where do people get this info lol"

He laughed and talked about everything. "You're a great friend you know that"

I smiled and nodded confidently "Yea I know"

We sat there talking for over two hours before we left. That was a good day, I learned a lot.

I was alone in the dorm, Sehun went out with Tao to hang out or whatever they do. Suddenly last week they were on good terms which I don't understand but I guess.

I looked through my phone to see the pictures Jongdae sent me. I skipped through the pictures and suddenly stopped at this picture of Kris wiping away sauce from the corner of my my mouth. I bit my lips and smiled. I could feel my face heat up and I could tell my cheeks were a bright shade of red.

Are we really like this?

Kris and I never discussed the rumors that were going around. We just ignore it and act like they don't even exist, just as we ignore the day he kissed me.

It's like it never happened. He doesn't try explaining himself which is making me weary every time I think about it.

Does he regret it? Was it just a normal thing for him? Does he go around kissing people? Do I look easy to him? Was it a mistake? Can I please get an explanation?

All these questions go through my head almost every day. 'It was just a kiss' I try to tell myself. 'You're over thinking again calm down Junmyeon, just forget about it'

I looked at the pictures for a few more seconds before putting my phone in my pocket.

I only had one class today which means I get the whole day to myself. I saw Kris after class but he said that he had something important to do so he couldn't hang out like we usually do. I smiled and told him it was okay but it looked like he didn't even hear me because he was so engrossed in texting someone. He looked up at me then immediately back down as another text came in. He smiled and texted back immediately.I told him goodbye hoping he would hear me.

Kris doesn't ever ignore me (sometimes I wish he would give me a break) so whoever he was texting must have been really important.

I need something to help me forget everything at the moment.Maybe I should take the evening to hang out with myself.I have no one else to hang out with anyways. I grabbed my wallet and my keys then headed out. I don't know where I should go but I'll think off something on the way.

I drove around town hoping to find somewhere to go have fun but no luck. I went a little bit out of town when I saw the amusement park.


Where else can you have the best type of fun than the amusement park.Even by yourself you can have loads of fun. I drove over and found a parking space . The ticket line wasn't very long so I got inside in no time.

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