Apartment Hunting

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Kris P.O.V


  I woke up this morning and remembered that I have an apartment to find. I almost decided to stay but there's too much shit happening and it's only been a week. I don't know what the deal is between Tao and Junmyeon's brat brother and honestly I don't want to know.

 I texted Junmyeon

Kris: Ayo waddup 

Junmyeon: What?

Kris: U promised to help me get an apartment..remember?????

Junmyeon: I can't recall promising you anything and if I did agree to anything it's so you could stop talking :)

Kris ),:

Kris: Pweese...pretty pretty pweeese... bboing boing ;0

*sends picture*

*sends picture*

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Junmyeon:..... only if you promise never to do that again

Kris: I'll try not to ;) anyways I'll pick you up in like 30 minutes

Junmyeon: OK

  I got ready in like 20 minutes. I wore my black skinny jeans and a simple white shirt with my black converse.I head up to Junmyeon's room and knocked on the door. It took a while before Junmyeon came out. 

"What took you so long"

"It's called getting ready"

This was actually the first time I've seen him out of his "uniform"(A plain 'tee and joggers) and I have to say he looks good...really good. He was wearing dark blue skinny jeans, a white shirt with blue and red patterns and a pair of white sneakers.

 He was wearing dark blue skinny jeans, a white shirt with blue and red patterns and a pair of white sneakers

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"What are you staring at" 

"I was just noticing you have really nice... shoes"I said smirking at him


He sighed as we began to walk to my car.We saw one of the guys that was in detention with us on the first day.  "Awww you guys are going on a date"

"Shut up Jongdae, where are you off to anyways" Junmyeon asked

"You know him" I asked 

"Yea we have some classes together and he's e even in our Math class pabo"

"Anyways I'm going out with some friends...there they are"

He signaled them to come over.

He began to introduce them "This is Do Kyungsoo aka Satansoo, don't mess with him he'll kill you and this is Byun Baekhyun, queen of eyeliner and has a crush o- " The Bacon kid covered Jongdae's mouth before he could finish the sentence.

"Annyeonghseyo" they both said. We continued to walk to the car when we heard Jongdae shouting

"Have fun on your date" 

"It's not a date" Joonmyeon shouted back

       After our conversation with Jongdae we both got into the car and I started to drive.

"So where can I find an apartment nearby" 

We got around to a couple apartment complexes before I was satisfied with one. The third one we visited seemed perfect. It wasn't too far from school and it was clean.

We went into  the apartment and started to look around.It had a nice view and it was spacious.

"What do you think Junmyeon?" 

"If you think you'll be comfortable here then I don't see a problem"he said while leaning with his back against kitchen counter.

I walked over to him and repeated what I said "I asked what you think Junmyeon"

I put my hands on either side of him and leaned forward

"I-I-I uhm It's nice...Has uhm a nice view"

"You don't like me very much do you?" I asked

He furrowed his eyebrows "Why would you think that?"

"It's nothing, forget I said that"

"I'm not just gonna forget " He was furrowing his eyebrows again

"Stop doing that" 

"Stop doing what?"

"Stop furrowing your eyebrows, you'll get wrinkles at an early age"

Junmyeon P.O.V

"You're concerned about me getting wrinkles after what you just said, Why do think I don't like you" I asked 

"You probably think I'm annoying, a jerk and worst of all you don't  smile a lot  around me so I'm guessing you don't like me very much"

Honestly what goes through his head, does he not think things through and then without even a second thought I started to speed-talk "Yes I think you're annoying and you are kind of a jerk but not that much and I' sorry if I don't smile that much around you but I'll smile more I promise that's if you promise never to think that I don't like you cause I really like you, I think you're a really good fri-

Before I realized that I was going on and on his soft  lips crash on mine.I felt an electric current running through my body as he deepened the kiss. He slowly pulled away and then said "You talk too much"

I wanted to say something.


But nothing came out . 

I wanted to tell him that he shouldn't have kissed me  but I was afraid that those weren't the words that would come out so instead I just said "I know"

    Kris decided that he was gonna move into the apartment so he drove me back to the dorm. I barely said anything on the way back. I guess he noticed that I didn't want to talk so he played the radio the whole way. I just needed some time to ponder my thoughts.

A/N                                                                                                                                                                                                             So I haven't updated in forever . I'm sorry that I have to be one of those people who updates when they feel like. Hope you forgive me.

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