Can't be seperated

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Third person P.O.V

   The weekend went by fast, Kris had moved out of the dorms and into the apartment.The alarm went off signaling that it was time to get ready. Kris just punched the clock and continued to sleep.He woke up not long after and got ready to go. 

Since Kris was already running late he couldn't make breakfast so he decided to stop at a coffee shop. He ordered an espresso and on his way out he bumped into a couple almost spilling his coffee. The shorter one started apologizing profusely .

"I'm really very sorry" he said "It's my fault I wasn't watching where I was going".

"No it's fine ,Hey do you two attend Yonsei?"  Kris asked out of curiousness

"Yea we're fourth years" 

Kris was shocked because both of them could pass for first years

"I'm Kris Wu" he introduced himself.

The other one spoke for the first time and to Kris's surprise he spoke in Mandarin

(A/N when its bold they're talking in mandarin)

"You're Chinese" he said sounding surprised.

"Yea how'd you know"

"You're father owns the Wu industry, I've heard of you and now that I think about it I've seen you before in magazines but you're not as out there as some people with famous parents"

Kris just smiled and rubbed his nape and smiled awkardly

"I'm Luhan and this is Minseok but friends call him Xiumin"

They spoke for a couple more minutes and exchanged numbers and realizing he was going to be late if he didn't go 

"It was nice meeting you guys" he looked at his watch and  continued " I gotta go though I have a morning class, see you at school"

"Sure thing" they replied simultaneously

Kris P.O.V

 I entered the classroom only moments before Mr. Choi came in.I went to his seat beside Junmyeon. I turned to him said a quick "hey" to Junmyeon before facing the professor.He let out a muffled response 

Throughout the whole class Junmyeon kept clicking his pen and I could feel him stealing glances at me but every time I look at him he averts his gaze. 

"You know if you have something to say to me I won't bite...well unless you want me to"  I teased him and watched his face go beet red.

He stopped clicking his pen "It's not really important" I heard him say barely audible to me and he went back to clicking. 

"Are you sure" I pressed "You seem a bit uptight today"

"I said it's nothing Kris, forget about it"  Something seemed a bit off with him today but I decided to talk with him about it later.

After class I had roughly two and a half hours before my other lecture at four. Junmyeon went straight to another lecture  so I texted Xiumin and Luhan to see if they were free but only Xiumin responded back.

Kris : Hey are u free rn

Xuimin: Yea I'm up at the library 

Kris: K I'll be up there in 5 mins btw where is Luhan

Xuimin: He's in the middle of a lecture

Kris: oh ok 

I went up to the library and found Xiumin in the back on his laptop typing.I went to the seat next to him and sat down.

We talked about almost anything for about  an hour and I could tell that we were going to be great friends. I learned that he and Luhan were friends since middle school,they both play soccer and are on our soccer team. He told me the story about how they were secretly in love with each other and neither of them confessed until when they were in their first year of college! Luhan was finally the one to confess first and Xiumin says "There is nothing that can seperate us". 

We were in the library for about half an hour more before Jongdae and his friend Bacon was it came in and came over to say something to me.

"Hey have you seen Junmyeon? I want to copy some of his notes and I have no idea where he is. Do you know his room number or something?" 

"No and it's room 365, don't tell him I told u" I said answering both his questions. 

He averted his eyes to look at Xuimin and I could tell that he lost all interest in Junmyeon. He raised his eyebrow at him and answered with a dull "uhuh thanks" 

"If thats all then you should be going right" I said trying to get him back to reality, he rolled his eyes at me then he checked xiu out one more time before taking his leave. I looked at Xuimin who was staring back at him with a smirk. 


Very awkward.

"Might I remind you that you're in a relationship" I pointed out 

"Yea I know, no need to remind me"

"Oh there was a lot of reason to remind you" I defended

"I don't intend to cheat on my boyfriend so chill" 

"It didn't look so 10 seconds ago" I continued to argue

"God he was tempting but  nothing compares to Luhan, nothing at all. I love Lu and nothing can ever break us apart"

"Lets just hope so" I said.

 All of a sudden I remembered how weird Junmyeon was acting today and all I could think is if I had done anything to upset him.

Junmyeon P.O.V

 I lay on my bed thinking about what had happened this past Saturday because frankly that's all I've been able to think about. How his lips felt against mine and how badly I wanted him to kiss me again. I touched my lips for the umpteenth time today before getting a hold of myself. 

I knew that he probably didn't think much of the kiss. 

'It was nothing special to him. He probably does it to a lot of people' my subconscious was at it again.

I should forget that it ever happened. 

'You should forget or you'll just end up being one of his flings'

I hadn't realized how gay I was till now. Wow something else to worry about.My parents are gonna flip.


I finally updated. I'm such a lazy asshole. I'm sorry y'all

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