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Junmyeon P.O.V

College is a bitch I thought to myself as I walked down to Mr Choi to serve my detention.Not only did I get detention but I got homework for every single class I did today. I can't believe college professors actually give you detention. I took my homework with me so I could occupy my time usefully, I'll probably be in there for 2 hours and I know I sound like a complete nerd but oh well.

I reached the detention room and it looks like I'm not the only one who has detention on their first day.There was three other people sitting and talking to each other. One of them looked up and smiled at me, he had a very unique smile, his lips curled up in a cute way that reminds you of a cat. I sat away from everyone and took out my laptop to start my essay.

I was in the middle of writing my essay when the door open. I looked up to see that it was the guy who got me here in the first place.I didn't realize how tall he was until now...and how hot he is. Dammit why am I thinking like this I'm not gay. I remembered that I totally ditched him this morning so I lowered my head hoping that he doesn't see or recognize me but luck isn't on my side today. He smirks when he sees me and walks over to where I am.

Please don't sit beside me. Please don't sit beside me. Please don't sit beside me.

Do you know what he did. He sat beside me! Dammit what did I do to deserve this.

"Hello" he said a little more calm than I expected. I decided that if I ignored him then he might leave me alone. "What's your name" he continued and I ignored him yet again and continued to write my essay

"You know that I don't like being ignored" he stated as he slammed down my laptop and picked it up

"Ah give that back" I demanded.He ignored me. He put it in the air where I couldn't reach it. I jumped and tried to grab it back but it was to no avail.

"Give it to me!". I yelled, I heard everyone snicker.I covered my mouth when I realized what I had said and I could feel myself blushing.He raised his eyebrow and smirked at me.

"When I talk to you don't ignore me" he said as he slowly placed my laptop down "Fine" I whined as I opened my computer to continue my essay.

"So what's your name?" he asked "I'm Junmyeon" I answered keeping my answer short but not so sweet. "I'm Kris Wu" he said "Nice to meet you Kris" Not really you manged to get me in detention and embarrass me on the same day we met

"How old are you?" he continued " Nineteen" I stated blandly. He scooted over closer to me and I was about to scoot away when he bent down to my ear and whispered "Are you single" I could feel a blush creep up "W- what is this an interrogation?" I stuttered Damn it why did I stutter

"So that's a yes" he confirmed and I nodded. I could feel his breath on my ear as he moved slightly closer .

" Jumnyeon" he whispered " Hmm" I answered. "Are you a virgin?".

My face was probably redder than a tomato. It looks like I had a little bit of luck because Mr. Choi came out of his office and told us it was time to go.I hurriedly put my laptop in my bag and dashed out the room.

Who the hell asks that question randomly I thought to myself as I walked back to the dorm. I realized that it was almost dark. I checked my watch it was 6:19. I was in that since 4:00. I felt someone grabbed my wrist, I was about to scream then I saw who it was "Kris what do you want" I shrieked holding my chest.

"I'm gonna follow you to your room" he replied

"No, why would you want to do that" I objected

"It's dark and you might encounter some delinquents you can't handle"

"Looks its fine, I can take care of myself" I protested

"Just go" he motioned still following me

I sighed I don't know what his problem is

Kris P.O.V

I don't know why but I have this strong urge to protect Junmyeon. Maybe it's because he's so small or maybe it's because he gives off the innocent aura he gives off. I feel like people will prey on him because of these two things.

As we were going up the stairs we encounter a group of boys loitering. Time-wasters .

As we were walking past them one of them grabbed Junmyeon's hand and said "Hey baby, can I have your number" I walked up to him and grabbed him by the collar and held him over the rail.

"Do you have a problem" I asked "If you touch him again you will regret it" I threatened.

Why am I being so defensive

"P-p-please d-don't throw me over, I swear I won't speak to him again just chill man"

I pulled him forward and let go of him.

"That goes for all of you, if any of you touch so much look at him you'll regret it"

I took Junmyeon's wrist and continued to his room.I looked at him, he seemed a little scared.

"Did I scare you, I'm sorry"

"No it's fine and thank you" he said smiling at me.

And thats where Ill leave you today. This chapter was pretty long. Its the longest chapter I've written so far I think.Bai (^^)/

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