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Junmyeon P.O.V

   I finally got up from my bed and went over to my desk and started to review my notes. Sehun hadn't come in yet, he's probably still at class or maybe hanging out with his new friend Jongin and trying to forget about everything . Tao had come back after four years,  other than myself Tao was the closest person to Sehun and one day he just left. That didn't sit well with Sehun so right now he put up the only defence mechanism he knows which is ignoring his problems and Tao was his problem.  

I spoke to Tao a couples days after he arrived and he explained everything to me, he was scared to see Sehun cry so  he left  without saying goodbye which was a bad decision on his part. I just hope they sort out everything before they destroy themselves.

 Before long I heard a thundering knock on my door. I sighed as I got up from my chair and went to the door. I had expected Kris since he's the only person that would come over.

I was hoping it was him. 

"Hey Kri- oh Jongdae. The smile on my face faded a little . For some reason I really wanted to see him. We haven't spoke since our last class and even then we had barely exchanged words. Usually he would've texted me something stupid and I would smile and tell him to shut up.

"Sorry I'm not your boyfriend, Did you have a date or something" Jongdae chuckled 

I completely ignored his statement and asked 

"What do you need?"

"What I need is that hottie that was hanging out with your boyfriend but what I want is your Psychology notes"

"Stop calling Kris my boyfriend, it's not funny" I fumed

"Wait so he's not your boyfriend?" he asked surprised 

"No! Why would you even think that"

"Well you could've fooled me and half the school"

My face paled and my throat went dry. "W-what" I stuttered

Half the school

"What did we do to make everyone think that" I finally managed to say something 

Jongdae looked as if he had something to say but he held back. 

"Is there something that you're not telling me?"

"Uhm there may or may not be a couple photos circulating, it's not anything serious promise but after photos start going around so do rumors and since you two are the most sought after people in the school, it blew up really quick"

"Photos" I clarified . He nodded. "What kind of photos could possibly have these rumors start?" There is only one thing that happened between Kris and I that could make those kinds of rumors start and there couldn't be pictures of that. It wasn't possible.

Jongdae pulled out his phone and showed me the pictures

I sighed in relief.

So it was this.

Sehun P.O.V

Forgiveness is not always easy. At times it feels more painful than the wound we suffered, to forgive that inflicted it. And yet there is no peace without forgiveness. ~ 

 I was walking back to my dorm after a stressful Chemistry lab. I felt someone grab my arm and started dragging me. I looked up to see that it was Tao. I tried pulling my hand away but it was no use. "Let me go." I tried again. He ignored my efforts.

He dragged me into a closet and locked the door then turned on the lights.

"We need to talk"  he finally said 

" There is nothing to talk about now open the fucking door." I started shaking the handle off the door trying to pry it open.

"Sehun please" he tried again

"Tao stop, I don't want to hear it" I was getting emotional and you could hear it in my voice. I covered my face and turned my back to him and tried my best not to cry. This was not the time or place. 

I have to be stronger than this.

No emotion.

Don't be weak.

Before I could turn around I felt his hands encircle me and pulling me in his embrace. 

I didn't try to pull away.

I didn't want to.

"I know the last thing you want is an apology but I'm so so sorry"  He held me tighter before continuing. "I was so stupid back then and I was so scared. I didn't want to see you cry. I didn't want to see that look of betrayal on your face. Thats why I did it. Thats why I left without telling you.  Please forgive me." 

He rested his head on my shoulder waiting for my answer. 

"Under one condition... no three conditions" I finally decided. He lifted his head in anticipation. I turned around and continued " One, you have to promise never to do it again" I held out my pinky. He looked at me surprised but he said nothing and entwined our pinkies and touched thumbs. 

"Cross my heart and hope to die" he said looking me in the eyes.

"Now open the door" I said in a demanding tone.

He got out a key and opened the door and then it occurred to me "Tao where did you get that key"

"I borrowed it from the janitor, he was cool about it, its only only a broom closet key so no worries"

I sighed in relief, I thought he stole it or something.

"What are the two other conditions?" he asked

"I'll tell you the other two soon, just listen out for numbers." I hinted " By the I'm going out with two friends, you can come if you want"  He smiled and nodded.

We walked to my dorm room in silence. It wasn't awkward silence. It a was comfortable silence. I got my keys out and tried to opened it but it was already opened. I went in first and Tao followed quickly behind.  Suho hyung and Jongdae ssi were inside totally engrossed in something on the phone. 

I cleared my throat to show that I was present. They both raised their heads in a flash. Suho hyung looked like he was stressing over something. Jongdae ssi quickly turned off his phone and said "We'll finish this later"

 Suho hyung said a quick "yea" before Jongdae ssi walked out. I locked the door and smiled and him "Hey hyung whats up" 

"Oh nothing" he said awkwardly smiling a scratching his head.He was lying. I was about to comment on it but then a loud knock interrupted me. I opened the door to see Jongdae

"Didn't you just leave here?" I questioned "Did you leave something?" 

"Yea, I came here for something and didn't even get it" then turning to Suho hyung he baically shouted "Yah Junmyeon can I get your psychology notes I totally forgot that's why I came lol"

"You know he's not even ten feet away, you don't have to shout jeez" 

"Sorry" he said smiling then grabbed the notes "Thanks,I'll give you back before class on Thursday, " he said then finally headed out. 

"Suho hyung I'm going out with some friends so i'm gonna get ready and go out for a bit"

He looked at Tao then back at me and point at both of us. "So you guys are on speaking terms now?"


He looked at me confused and I smiled then went to my closet and picked out my clothes to wear before heading to the bathroom to get ready.


So I finally updated, I took forever I'm sorry. School has been hectic,I'm stressed.Hopefully the next chapter will be up soon

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