Chapter 1 : The Solstice Celebration

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I woke up on the morning of the Solstice Celebration with a big smile on my face. I swam down to the throne room to meet my dad. When I opened the doors he was sitting in his throne waiting for me. "Happy Solstice!" He said with a smile. " Happy Solstice to you to dad!" I said smiling back at him. "Are you ready for the celebration?" He asked. "Ya ,but first I have one question. What is this?" I asked holding up the necklace that I got a few months ago when I destroyed some monsters. My dad's smile faded. "I have been meaning to talk to you about that." He said emotionless. " It was your mother's." He continued. "Mom." I whispered. "Who was she?" I asked curiously.

"You know how there are four rulers ,and only four. Well that is wrong. There are two other rulers. It is just that they fled the earth when man kind was created. But on rare occasions ,such as eclipses they can come to earth. That's how you were born. Your mother was ..." He tried to say but I interrupted. " Diana." I said. " Yes ,Diana, Mistress of the Moon." My dad said softly. " Well as royalty we can't be late." He said clearly not wanting to talk about it.


The only thing that I don't like about the Solstice Celebration is that I have to wear a rediculuos outfit. It is shiny green ,and blue , it was three sizes too big ,and I look stupid in it. Elie's robes look amazing. Her's were white and sliver ,made of silk ,and fit perfectly.

One of my favorite things about being royalty is walking down the blue carpet. It is like walking down the red carpet only a higher honor. Only the royalty get to walk down it. Once all royalty are at the end they must bow to each other. I bowed to Elie and she bowed to me. Then we took a seat in our thrones. Then some unwanted guests arrived.

At the end of the carpet stood Vaulcore and next to him stood the Sea Witch, Enchantra. They began to walk down the blue carpet. My dad and the Sky Lord both stood up. When they reached the thrones they bowed.

" What brings you pests here?" The Sky Lord asked through gritted teeth. "Why isn't this celebration open to all creatures of the sea and sky?" The Sea Witch asked with an evil smile. "Enchantra ,I banished you from my kingdom. This is part of my kingdom." My dad said. "I have just come my favorite nephew. "She said turning to me. "What a hansom boy you have there ,Neptune." The Sea Witch said putting her hand under my chin. I quickly smacked her away. "Very touchy boy. I am guessing your father has told you horror stories about me. Well let me tell you the truth...." She said when my dad interrupted. "Don't you know when you are not wanted." He said raising his voice. She turned clearly pissed off. Then my dad let out a cry of pain. I realized she was using her dark magic on him. I stood up ,grabbed my trident ,and thrust it into her shoulder. She let out a cry of pain. People begin to get scared. I pulled it out of her shoulder. She fell back. Now me and the Sky Lord where ready to strike.

"Enchantra, let's leave ,now!" Vaulcore said backing away. "You may have stopped one ,but not again! I,ll be back!" She said gritting her teeth. Then in an explosion of black mist , they disappeared.

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