Chapter 6: FIRE?!

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How were we supposed to get there?! I would take my flying ship if my dad didn't ban me for using them and he really meant it. "What are we going to do?" I asked trying to think of a way we could get there. "We'll take a cab." Flamous suggested. "How are we going to do that when we have no money?" I asked. We sat there and thought of ways we could get there. None of them worked of course. Then I thought of something. "We'll have to seal a car." I said breaking the long silence between us. "No way. I am not breaking the law." He said sternly. "It is our only hope." I said. "Are you really willing to go to that extent to save Jason?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "I would do anything to save him." I said blushing bright red. "Well what car are we taking?" He asked sounding very unhappy.

We walked out of the library and looked around. Then a bright red Ferrari parked in front of the library. "We'll take that one." I said pointed to the Ferrari. "No! We can't take that one! We'll get in so much trouble if we get caught!" He said. "We are taking the Ferrari." I said sternly. I walked over to the car and pulled on the handle. It was locked. "Great it's locked, let's go find another car." Flamous said. "Wait I have my ways." I said smiling. I poured all my energy into my hands. My hands light up with a brilliant white light. Suddenly mist fell from my fingers and slowly flowed into the car. The doors clicked and opened. "See I told you I'd get in." I said climbing into the driver's seat. Flamous climbed into the passenger's seat reluctantly. I hit the gas and headed for the Bermuda triangle.


After seven hours of driving we decided to stop and stay at a hotel. "I thought you didn't have any money?" Flamous asked. "I don't but I told you I have my ways." I said confidently. I walked up to the counter and asked for a room for one night. "Surely. That would be 25.50$." The lady at the counter said. "But I don't have any money. You see me and my brother have ran away from home." I said having fake tears well up in my eyes. "Well I should call the cops and have them take you two home." The Clerk said picking up the phone. "No! Don't make us go back there! Our dad abuses us. He already killed our mom right in front of us. Please , please don't make us go back there!" I said letting tears roll down my face. I buried my face in my hands pretending to bawl. Then Flamous came over and put his arm around me. "Please, please we have been spending the last few weeks on the streets. Help us." Flamous begged. The clerk was in tears. "I'll pay for your rooms ,and if you ever need anything just call room service." The lady said handing us a room key.

We walked to the elevators. "Wow that was every impressive." Flamous said as we stepped into the elevator. "Thank you." I said whipping away the tears from my face. We got a room on the top floor. When we got there we went right to bed. I was tired ,and needed sleep. when I hit the bed I almost instantly.


I had a dream. I was there in the Sea Witches lair. I saw Jason chained to the wall. "Jason!" I said taking a couple steps towards him. He looked up at me. "Elie what are you doing here?" He asked. "I'm coming to save you. Don't worry." I said quietly. "Who have I got here?" A rough voice said from behind me. I turned to see the Sea Witch looming over me. I Took several steps backwards. "I can't believe the plans Vaulcore has got. With in a year we will control the world." The Sea Witch hissed.


I woke with a start. I shook Flamous awake. "We need to leave, now." I said sternly. We both jumped out of bed. We ran down the hallway when the window at the hall shattered sending glass down the hall. We ducked dodging broken glass. I looked to see what caused the window to break. At the end of the hallway stood two cloaked figures. I recognized the figures as sky demons. Their bodies turned into mist and flew down the hall. Right before they got to us the elevator doors opened and we stepped in. The swirling black mass shot past us. The elevator doors shut and we started our decent.  

"What were those things?" Flamous asked sounding completely horrified. "Those things were sky demons. Most likely summoned by Vaulcore." I said quickly. Flamous didn't have time to speak. Suddenly there was two loud thuds on the roof of the elevator. The elevator came to a stop. The elevator shook knocking me and Flamous to the floor. Then the elevator started to go up again.

"Hold on to the railing." I said over the sound of the elevator. Flamous gripped the railing. I did the same. I summoned my father's staff. I raised the staff towards the roof and lightning exploded from the staff. There was a blood curdling scream from the demons and the elevation suddenly began to fall rapidly. I slammed my staff on the ground. The compartment filled with light. When it went dimmed we were outside. We ran toward the car but we were to late. The demons burst through the Front doors of the hotel. We stood ready to fight. The demons charged us. I smacked one aside with my staff. I  shot lightning at the other. Flamous found a sharp pole that he could use to kill the demons with. I was not going down without a fight. In the fight I lost track of Flamous but I was sure he was fine. The demon flew at me. I blasted it again with lightning. It flew back. It seemed to have disappeared. Suddenly the demon was on top of me. It had me pinned to the ground and my staff was knocked from my hands.

"I have you now!" The demon hissed. I shut my eyes and prepared for the worst. But insted of pain I felt heat coming from where the demon was. I looked up and saw that the demon was on fire. It flew into the air and exploded. I looked at Flamous. His hands were litterally on fire. He shoock the flames from his hands and said " I think we should leave like now."

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