Nine: The Master of the Locks

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"We should make an inventory of the things we have by now." Toni said, I nodded.

"Okay, please help me." I said.

Toni, Mesut and I placed all the stuff in the middle.

"Okay so we have


- Two bags of skittles

- 22 mangoes

- 2 bottles of water

- 1 chocolate bar


- 8 t-shirts

-7 sweatpants

- 6 sweaters

-8 pairs of socks

-7 tennis

- 3 caps

-2 scarves

-2 quilts

-2 small pillows


- 1 pen

- 1 nail clipper

- 1 Swiss knife


-2 jars of ibuprofen

- 2 blisters of ampicillin

-1 jar of vitamins

- 1 bottle alcohol

- 1 bottle of bath gel

- 1 perfume


- 1 phone charger

- 1 tablet

- 2 books

- 2 phones

-1 tennis ball

- Keys

"That's all we got." I said.

"Well, there's a lot of stuff actually." Toni said, I nodded.

"Thanks to Mats in heaven or whatever the place he is right now." Mesut said looking down.

"Stop killing Mats." I said and rolled my eyes.

"We need to find water Marco." Toni said, I nodded.

"I know. Two bottles is too little for us." I said.

"We should go." I said to Mesut.

"No. I'll go with you this time." Toni said trying to get up but his leg was hurting.

"No. Stay Toni, I'll go." Mesut said. Toni smiled.

"Okay let's go." I said.

We grabbed two mangoes, the swiss knife and the nail clipper, the phone charger and the keys. We also grabbed one cap each one of us to protect us from the sun. We changed our shirts for sweaters to protect our skin as well.

I got all this on Loris bag and I carried crossed in my chest, over my shoulder.

"I hope we found water." Mesut said while walking.

"I know. Me too." I said.

To be honest I wanted to find water but I also wanted to find more teammates or more living people. I can't stand the thought of us being the only ones alive on the island. We walked towards the opposite direction of our last scouting and we did it on the shore because Mesut was too afraid to get jungle inside.

About two or three hours walking we saw a part of the plane. It was slightly burnt, we ran towards it.

"Look at this." Mesut said pointing to the seats.

"We should take those."I said to a couple of seats that remained intact.

Mesut and I grabbed one each other and placed them on the sand, a bit away from the plane.

"We should get inside." I said, Mesut nodded and followed me. His face was a poem of horror, his eyes wide opened.

I grabbed the Swiss knife on my hand and carefully entered on the plane. It was the back of the plane, usually where the flight attendants served the food and drinks and where the bathroom is. I had a small illusion to find the food and drinks in there.

We opened the compartments to look for bags but we didn't find any. Mesut ran to the back and he looked on the fridges and the boxes but didn't find any food either.

"There's nothing here." He said, I frowned.

"How come?" I asked confused looking around.

"I have no idea." Mesut said.

We looked under the seats that remained there and between them too. Mesut only found a phone and a magazine. I shook my head.

"What about the bathroom?" I asked.

We walked towards the bathroom but it was locked. I knocked the door as a dumb costume but nobody answered of course. Mesut and I tried to push but the door didn't moved.

"We need to open that. There must be a first aid kit for Loris and Toni's leg." I said, he nodded.

"The keys." He said.

I gave it to him and he tried with all the keys but of course they did not fit.

He frowned. "The knife." He said.

"Aye easy Master of the locks. Be careful is the only one we have." I said.

I handed the knife now and rolled my eyes.

After about 20 seconds he opened the door magically. The smell hit us like a wave. I closed my eyes and coughed. Mesut turned around and threw up on one seat.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed

We turned around to find the body of one of the flight attendants, lying on the floor. I felt a punch in my stomach. I shook my head.

"Oh fuck-fuck fuck- Mesut started.

"Hey, calm down." I said.

He sat on the nearest seat. I frowned and entered the bathroom. I opened the shelf and found a first aid kit, a couple of toilet rolls, more alcohol, soap and Toothpaste among other stuff. I grabbed all the items quickly and closed the door again, I opened my eyes widely and my breathing relaxed.

I walked towards Mesut, he was sitting on one seat, looking panicked and with his eyes full of terror.

"We should go." I said, he shook his head.

"What about her?" He asked in a whisper.

I sighed.

"You want to bury her?" I asked and he nodded.

"How are going to dig?" I asked.

He stood up and ripped a door of air compartments.

"With this." He said.

He was right, we should bury her or at least try to. I ripped another one and we stepped outside the plane surrounding it. We started digging between the two of us taking turns. After about two hours or maybe more we've dig a big hole.

"It's time." He said.

We returned to the plane and opened the door again. The girl looked clean but smelled awful because of her rotten flesh even though she had no serious injuries. She wore the uniform of stewardess. I grabbed her hands and Mesut her feet, we bought her to the hole and buried her. I felt so weird, I've never done this before in my life, but any human being deserves to have this. Mesut recited something and after a few minutes we grabbed our stuff but when I was going back, my eyes told me to stop. I walked towards the tale of the plane and saw a message written.

"Sorry, I had to take everything – Durm."


Lmao this chapter is funny, sorry not sorry.

Rockets of love. 

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