Thirty two: Reuniting

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Note: All characters, names, situations are fictitious. 



"I feel so sad looking at him like that." I said. Mario looked up from the ground and nodded in agreement.

"Basically that's the reason why we're doing this Marco, so he can walk again." Loris said while he helped the doctor and Mario to set up a strange chair they were designing to Erik. I frowned.

"He'll get better." Mario said with a reassuring smile, I nodded and decided to go upstairs to check on Erik. When I entered the room I knocked first, I heard Erik's voice telling me to come in. I smiled when I saw him sitting straight against the wall, he had a sweet smile on his face, my smiled changed when I saw Jamie sitting next to him. She looked at me scared and then stood quickly and looked down.

I could feel the tension in the room, she was uncomfortable with my presence whatsoever I didn't know the reason. She gathered some books that were on the ground and nodded to us.

"I'll leave you two alone." She said. She used to be nice with me but I don't understand what happened. Just when she's about to walk by next to me, I gently grabbed her arm and called her name, she looked up to me, her brown eyes were bigger now and her lips were trembling.

"Jamie, are you okay?" She nodded quickly and loosened her arm in a swift move.

"I have to go." She mumbled and left quickly. I frowned and looked back at her confused as I saw her going down the stair.

"That was weird." Erik said, I nodded in answer.

"Still don't know why though." I said walking over him and taking a seat next to him on the ground.

"You look great." He said, I chuckled. "You look great too. How do you feel?" I asked, he shrugged with a conformist face. I felt a pain aching inside, seeing him like this killed me.

"Erik... This isn't going to be forever, you know?" I asked pointing to his legs, he looked at me with his blue eyes full of sadness and terror and then he sighed.

"I don't know Marco... I want to believe you so bad." He said with great sorrow. I felt so powerless in that moment, I wanted to say some magical words and just change his mind and place positive thought on his mind.

"Then do it. All you have to do is believe."I winked and he smiled sadly.

"That was my favorite movie as a kid." He said and I chuckled. "No way, Peter pan? Mine too." I said and we both laughed. Soon we heard someone going inside the room, it was Loris and Mario with big smiles on their faces.

"It's done." Loris said. We looked at each other and Erik's eyes were glowing with hope.

"Help me!" He exclaimed. Between the three of us, managed to get Erik downstairs to test the new chair.

"How does it feel?" The doctor asked, Erik nodded.

"It feels great actually." He said smiling. My heart skip a beat from happiness, seeing him smile like this just makes the whole world a better place.

"I just hope you like brown because it's the only color we had available." Loris joked and we all laughed.

"I love it." Erik said smiling shyly.

"What about the spine, do you feel okay?" Mario asked, Erik nodded in answer. "It feels great, thank you!" He said like a kid.

"Great. Amazing work guys." I said patting Mario's shoulder, he looked at me and smiled widely.

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