Fourteen: Sunsets and Birthdays

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Day 12

The morning was clear and the sun was a bitch as always. I felt my skin burning, I know I must look like a tomato, I thanked god that in the bags we found nobody had a mirror, otherwise I'd be traumatized by how I must be looking. I am happy that I am surrounded by teammates who don't give a shit about looks; it makes me feel a bit more comfortable.

I walked around, near the beach. I think we need to fish something. I remember now that Loris said once that he knew about this because his father taught him. He needs to show us how to do it, if we all go for fishing we could have more chances to catch something.

I always think about going back to the places we've been in the island, just to see if we missed something, maybe a shirt or a water bottle, especially water bottles.


The evening weather was softened. I feel a relief because the sun has settled down and it's a beautiful sunset in the horizon. I wish I had my phone in here; I would have taken a picture of this. I love sunsets.

"I can't believe we've been here for twelve days." Toni said shaking his head.

It has been twelve days. Toni has been counting them; also I happen to have a water-proof clock that tells me it actually has been twelve days. Loris got a lot better, he's awake now and he's been eating well. We've rationed the food in the best way, Toni has been managing that.

We found a couple of mangoes and coconuts later, so we have a pretty good food reservation for at least a couple of days more. We've been saving the water too. Yesterday night it rained and we were able to take small baths and to fill out the couple of water bottles we have and some small containers. Toni's wound had gotten a lot better, it's almost closing itself, the same with Mesut's, but mine has been hurting the last few hours. I am afraid to check it because I don't want to see how bad it is.

Mesut tried to wash some of our clothes in the beach but the only sweater he washed got a bit sticky and we decided to not do it anymore. We're hanging around shirtless so we save the few clean clothes that are left until it rains again or until we find a source of sweet water.

"I can't believe they hadn't looked for us." Mesut added a bit annoyed.

"I can't believe we haven't found Erik or someone else." I said.

"I can't believe it's my birthday today." Loris said and we all laughed since we thought it was a joke but he was serious about it.

We all turned around and looked at him shocked.

"Your birthday?" Mesut asked confused, Loris nodded. He grabbed his bag and looked for his passport and showed us the date.

"What the fuck, happy birthday dude." I said hugging him.

"Congratulations, happy birthday Loris." Toni said shaking his hand.

"What a shitty birthday man, but still, thanks god you're alive, Happy birthday." Mesut said and Loris laughed.

"Danke, thank you to all of you." He said nodding, looking sadly at his passport.

I cleared my throat. I touched my chin and felt my beard growing more every day. Loris hair was longer already so as toni's. Mesut is a lost case, he can't grow a beard so he doesn't have any problem with that.

"I want to rain again." Mesut said.

"I know, I would wash this-

We heard something moving between the leaves. We all turned to look in its direction. Mesut grabbed my arm and he was trembling.

"Shh." I said to them.

The leaves kept moving until a seagull came from the bush. We all sighed in relief.

"Okay we should catch it." Toni said.

"No, are you kidding-

Loris stood and ran towards it but the seagull was running around.

"Loris stop!" Mesut started.

"Shut up. We're starving." He said. I looked at Mesut and nodded in reassurance. He needs to understand that we haven't eaten any protein since we got in here.

Loris kept running around but the seagull apparently couldn't fly because she was trying to escape from Loris grip but she didn't take off flying. Eventually Loris catched it and broke its neck.

"Sorry. We have to eat Mesut." He said handing the seagull to Toni.

Toni grabbed it and looked at Mesut nodding slowly, like saying "we have to and you know it" at the end Mesut agreed and he built a small fire. He crushed some rocks and branches and magically the fire appeared.

"Well done." Loris said, Mesut smiled sadly.

"I don't know how I did it to be completely honest." He said throwing away the rock he used.

"We might need that after." Toni said.

He opened the seagull and cooked it on the fire. I was thinking how it would taste without any seasoning. But we didn't had any so I had to eat it otherwise I would die. We were used to take a good healthy diet, we're lucky we have fruit sometimes but we don't have protein and our bodies need them.

Toni divided it into four and gave everyone their share. We ate it and it tasted it like glory, I don't know if it was because of the hunger of because it really tasted good. We drank coconut water, one coconut to each one of us and finally we shared a couple a bag of skittles but we gave Loris more because it was his birthday, we all agreed.

"Thank you guys." He said eating the skittles.

"No worries. It's a especial day, plus we had our first great-kind of complete- meal and right in time." I said.

"Yeah. I think I love birthdays in the island now." Mesut said leaning back to a tree.

"Why?" Toni asked confused.

"Because I get to eat skittles." He said.

"I think I might be the birthday boy next week." He said and we laughed.

While laughing all I could think about was one thing he said: Next week. Does that mean that he and the rest of us are conditioned that we'll still be here by next week? Next month? Next...? I didn't want to think about it. I tried to shake my thoughts but it was hard. All I wanted was to go back to my house and being safe and sound. 



Rockets of love,


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