Twenty seven: Guilt

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The tension between everyone was palpable. Jerome and Mustafi looked at us confused and shrugged but my eyes were fixed in Mats. By the look on his face I could tell he was afraid and I am pretty sure it had to do with the fact that Kevin and Benni were here and he knew they probably had tell us something.

"What is going on here?" Boa asked walking towards us.

"He killed Ilkay!" Kevin shouted pointing at Mats. Jerome and Mustafi turned to look at him, Mustafi took a couple of steps back. Mats remained there frozen and moving his hands as a gesture to calm everybody.

"I can explain-

"Explain? So it's true!" Boa said shaking his head. Clearly disappointment all over his face. Mats opened his eyes widely.

"No... It's not true, look-

"Did you do it?" I asked walking towards him. He took a step back, his eyes darker than ever, pure fear.

"No! I would never-

"Then how do you explain the fact that he had two deaths?" Bastian said quickly. Mats looked at him confused.

"Two deaths?" He asked nervous.

"Two. They saw him with his throat sliced in two and you said a different thing." Bastian said.

"Mats... You should tell the truth." Boa intervened.

He shook his head nervously and started mumbling something almost audible. I stepped forward and grabbed his arm tightly.

"Tell us the truth!" I demanded but he looked at me with big eyes but I wouldn't buy that shit.

"He killed him. He told us that he had died because of the infected injures." Ben shouted. Shkodran looked at him and then back to Mats.

"So he had three different deaths? Because he told us that he found him pierced by a tree." He said taking a step towards him.

"You're a coward." I said to him. He kept taking hesitating steps back.

"You don't deserve to be here." Bastian said from his position. "We can't have a killer among us." He added.

"He has to go." Boa said standing next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Guys... I swear! André?" Mats said, looking some back up from him but André looked down in disappointment.

"I did not-

"Shut up! Shut up you dirty liar, you're such a traitor!" Bastian yelled.

"It's true. You don't deserve to be here and we can't have a murderer between us." I said shaking my head in disgrace.

I was disgusted by the only image of him. He was a danger for us all, especially after what Ben and Kevin said that he threaten them as well.

"Guys please, I can explain... If you just give me the chance." He asked.

"I think we should listen.." André said, his voice almost cracking. At this point Mats looked desperate and anxious. I felt pity for him and shook my head.

"Fine." I said between teeth.

"I killed him yes – He said and we all shook our heads – but only because he was dying, I swear, he asked me to." He said moving his hands around, his eyes glassy.

"Yeah, I ALMOST BELIEVED IT HUMMELS!" Bastian said with a sarcastic face.

"I don't believe in him either." Kevin said shaking his head. "Yeah me neither-

"Enough!" I yelled. Everyone shut up and looked at me. I looked at Mats who has aged 10 years in the past few minutes and shook my head.

"You're a disgrace but if I kick you out and you died it will hung up on my back for the rest of my life. I am not like you." I said and he breathed out and closed his eyes.

"You can stay... - I said and some of the guys groaned – but I'll keep an eye on you 24/7, I hope you know this. And if you ever try to hurt these guys – I said pointing to Kev and Ben or any of us – I'll kill you with my own hands." I said raising a finger as a menace.

He looked at me from the ground and nodded quickly.


"I want him very away from me, I don't trust him." Bastian told me. I rolled my eyes.

"There's 6 of us, he's not going to try anything, he must be crazy." Boa said shaking his head while pealing a coconut.

"I still can't see his face. I can't believe he did that." Bastian said. Ben and Kevin nodded at the same time.

"The worst part is that we believed him." Boa said.

"Don't worry. We were fooled too." Benni said.

"Okay guys. Just try to get some sleep okay? I'll make the first guard, you're next Boa." I said and he nodded in agreement.

"Manu?" Kevin asked me, I turned around and looked at him. "Yes Kev?" I asked.

"Thank you." He simply said. I knew what he meant, the fact that I brought them back here, they had now food and water and even new clothes, they were clearly grateful. I nodded back and smiled.

"Don't worry. I'll keep you all safe." I said and they nodded back.

I turned around and walked away. I looked around and saw Mustafi sleeping on an mountain of leaves and André against a three, then Mats was awake sitting across them. He looked at me, his dark eyes were big, he looked at me quickly and then looked back to the ground.

"Can't sleep?" I asked him. He didn't look at me he just shrugged. "You were mean to me." He said finally once I started walking away, I turned around and looked at him in disgust.

"Really? You think?" I asked and he nodded. "What about Ilkay?" I asked and now he tensed and looked at me, his eyes boiling with rage.

"Were you mean to him?" I asked and he sighed loudly.

"He was dying Manuel... I made him a favour-

"A favour?" I stopped him immediately as I walked towards him and stood him from the ground by grabbing the neck of his shirt and pushing him back to the three, he hit his head with the three and made a face of pain.

"Do you think that was a favour? How twisted are you?" I asked but he remained quiet.

"A favour would have probably been look for help and don't abandon him no matter what. We're a fucking team Hummels, A TEAM!" I whisper-yelled the last part, he closed his eyes and then opened them slowly.

"I had no other choice." He said and I chuckled as I pushed him back to release him.

"You did not have another choice? Really?" I asked and he nodded, I shook my head.

"There's always another choice Hummels. Always." I said walking back. He remained quiet against the three.

"Go to sleep, if you can." I said shaking my head and walking away. He followed me with his eyes, I could feel the hate exuding from him.

I rolled my eyes and walked away and sat on a rock that provided me a pretty good look to all the camp. I could see everyone and the most important, I could see Mats from here. He was still awake and anxious.

"The guilt." I thought to myself. The guilt doesn't let him sleep.


Rockets of love,


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