Twenty three: Family

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We finished eating a pack of peanuts and crackers. We drank orange juice and cleaned ourselves. I thanked god every day that I found those snacks from the plane. Of course I also found hot food but I already ate it.

The doctor has been making some natural medicine to heal his leg. He got a deep cut and it got infected but now it looks better and he can even move the leg. He gave me some of the ointment to put on a couple of cuts I had and they're practically gone by now.

"Are you ready?" I asked and he nodded.

I've designed a couple of crutches so the doctor can walk by himself. He hates being sitting all day and he hates that I offer my help every time he needs to go to make his necessities. So I built a couple of crutches for him and he had been using them for the past days.

"You get better and better each day." I said and he chuckled.

"Thanks to you I'll be out of this in a short time, but thanks." He said and I nodded.

"No problem." I said walking ahead of him. Our pace was slow because he still had a bit of a trouble walking. We saw beautiful and new species of flowers in our way deep in the jungle. I'd cut one now and then and keep them on my bag, if only I had a notebook and a pen, I'd sketch them.

We kept walking for a couple of hours in a straight line until I saw the blue on the distance.

"We're here." I said smiling, he nodded as giving me permission and I ran ahead the beach. I haven't been here in a long time, last time I believe was that time I left a message written on the back of the plane.

I saw the plane resting in the same place where I left it. Once I stepped outside the jungle the sun hit me mercilessly, I thanked that I had a sweater and a cap because otherwise I'd be incinerated by now. I walked towards the beach and took off my boots. The water was warm and the sand felt soft under my toes.

"Erik is everything okay?" I heard the doctor's voice, I turned around and nodded. He nodded back and sat at the feet of a palm tree. I grabbed the boots and walked back to his direction. I gave him the boots and the backpack and walked to the plane.

When I stepped inside the plane I walked carefully just in case there was an animal inside or something. I heard some noises coming from the back of the plane, near the bathroom.

"Who's there?" I asked moving my head aside. The bathroom door opened and Mesut stepped outside, his eyes bigger than normal. He froze for a minute and then yelled something.

"ERIK!" He exclaimed then. I couldn't believe what my eyes were seein.

"Mesut?" I asked, still a bit incredulous. He nodded and we ran towards each other, we hugged for about 5 minutes and then broke apart.

"I can't believe it! I knew you were alive, I knew it! – he said shaking his head and smiling, then he stopped smiling and frowned – You bastard! You stole all the food." He joked and I chuckled.

"I had to, I am sorry." I said scratching the back of my head.

"Are you alone- I was interrupted by Loris who was coming from further back of the plane, he opened his eyes widely and started laughing.

"No way!" He exclaimed and came running to hug me. I hugged him back and I couldn't stop smiling at this point. Seeing two teammates alive was more than perfect for one day.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you two are alive!" I exclaimed and they laughed.

"We're not the only ones, with us is also Toni, Jamie and Marco." Mesut said.

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