Twenty nine: Going somewhere?

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Note: All characters, names, situations are fictitious.



The afternoon was quite warm. You could hear the singing of cicadas and the humidity was overwhelming. Mats was walking along a unknown path to him, with every step he took he complained again and again about the arrival of Ben and Kevin to the camp because of this he was on his own now.

After what seemed to be hours walking he finally stopped in a place where it looked like someone had lived in. There were a few things around and he recognized a piece of his old beatles shirt, he also recognized Lorises tablet, especially because it had his initials and an specific pattern in white and red.

He took both things and tried to gather more stuff but he only found an empty small makeup bag and a couple of dirty socks. He sighed. This wasn't supposed to be like this. He eyed his surrounding looking for food, just anything but there was none.

Who was living here? He thought. Maybe Loris? But that was Mats shirt so that meant that probably someone found his suitcase and just took his stuff. He cursed on his mind whoever had taken his suitcase because there was nowhere to be found.

He took the stuff he found on his hands and stood quiet for a minute checking his enviroment. He saw a couple of footprints on the ground but since it had rained during the day the footprints were now a bit blurry. Should I follow?


What if there's someone else alive? He or she could give me food. What if it's more than one?

He decided to follow the leads. He started walking again with the hope to find someone. "I hope is someone from Dortmund" he thought. That would be easier in so many aspects. They trust me, I am their captain. They would never doubt me, not a chance. He chuckled and shook his head as if he was remembering something.

He kept walking even though it was getting dark, he wasn't afraid of it but it was annoying walking without seeing the path or even where he was going, so he started walking quickly. After a few hours he saw a small light on the distance, he ran quietly towards it and saw a few of his teammates walking and talking on what seemed to be a tree house.

Eureka! He thought.

He stayed still behind the bushes without making any move, he didn't want to be seen, at least not right now. He was going to see first how the things worked in here. He needed to know if these have had contact with the people from the other camp and if they know something about him before talking to them.

He saw Loris talking with their doctor and his assistant. He grinned.

"She's hot." He whispered to himself but then his eyes followed their eyes and soon Toni arrived the scene. They were walking but he only caught Marco's name. He frowned and took a couple of steps back.

"Marco?" He whispered himself. He started walking within a couple of meters outside the place to get a better look of the tree house. He saw it had a couple of rooms, some of them unfinished.

"Whoa that's big." He muttered. He looked the tree's foundation and tried to push them but they were hard as rock. He was now closer to them and could hear them perfectly.

"He looks fine." Toni said.

"But did he spoke to you?" The girl asked. Toni shook his head. "He's still unconscious but he looks well... I don't know if that makes any sense." Toni said scratching the back of his head.

"I am really sorry... Toni, I didn't know - The girl started Toni shook his hands and placed one hand on her shoulder afterwards.

"It's not your fault, its fine. I am pretty sure he's not mad at you." He said. Loris nodded.

"He's not that kind of person Jamie." Loris added. The doctor gave her a sympathetic look and smiled. She nodded and seemed to wipe a tear away, Mats rolled his eyes.

He looked up to the trees to see if he could climb one of the trees to get inside and to have a better look of everything but he barely had strength to keep walking. He hasn't eaten something nor drank water in the past two days.

He decided to stay the night in a spot near this place because he couldn't just show himself right now, he didn't know if they knew about him or if those were the only ones on this place and he couldn't see where Marco was. He assumed he was on that tree house but he couldn't be sure enough.

Mats found a comfortable rock to lean his head on and since he was wearing a cardigan, he took it off and used it as a blanket to his arms. The night was slightly chilly which he thanked because the mornings were usually a hell of heat. He tried to close my eyes and focus on stuff that made him go away from there so he could fall asleep, soon he did.


The next morning he woke up in a jump and looked around in amusement, soon he remembered that he was on the surroundings of the other guys' camp. He scratched the back of his head and yawn slowly. He felt his stomach rumbling.

The next morning he woke up in a jump and looked around in amusement, soon he remembered that he was on the surroundings of the other guys' camp. He scratched the back of his head and yawn slowly. He felt his stomach rumbling but he heard some voices so he stood and walked towards the camp. His face fell off when he saw Götze going up to the tree house and Erik and Mesut downstairs talking with Toni and the doctor.

"So they're alive too." He thought. He didn't know if this was something good for him. He had his reservations about Mario Götze, he didn't like the guy. He rolled his eyes and sat back.

He thought it wasn't going to be easy to be accepted in here. What if they knew something about him? He heard voices again and he looked back. He saw Loris and the girl with two plates of food being delivered to Erik and Mesut. He felt his mouth watering. He didn't know what was in there but he wanted it.

He waited the whole day in that exact spot. He didn't wanted to walk too away from here and risk the fact that he might get lost and then he wouldn't know how to come back here. Once it was dark outside he waited for Erik to turn off the bonfire and he saw him going up to the tree house though a small stair which he kept upstairs.

This was his opportunity. He stepped inside the camp and looked around. He was tensed and his hands were extended lifted at the height of his stomach as a warning gesture. He walked slowly around the place, seeing in every direction. He finally saw a box next to the bonfire, so he walked slowly and quietly towards it and opened it.

Inside there was a few mangoes and some crackers. He took them all and closed the box. Once he stood and gave a step behind a branch cracked and the noise filled the whole place. He sighed and looked around but didn't see anything so he kept walking slowly.

"Going somewhere?" He heard a voice. He froze on his site and turned around slowly to find Erik with a frown on his face, his arms crossed on his chest.


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated as much as I want to but I am on vacations and I am trying to enjoy it despite everything. I'll try to update soon enough. Please enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment if you liked it.

Rockets of love,


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