Sixteen: Footprints

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We decided to go for a run, to see if we could find more coconuts since we were running out of water. It hasn't rained in two days and we're thirsty. Toni and Loris were cleaning around and cutting fruit with Loris' swiss knife. Mesut and I changed our clothes and headed out to look for more fruit. This is something we would do almost every day since we were big men and we needed to eat.

"Man... I miss sex." Mesut said and I chuckled.

"Really?... I miss more other things." I said shaking my head while laughing. We were walking through a path of ivies. The green color was beautiful and bright.

"You're a big strange." Mesut said. He was walking behind me. I frowned.

"How come?" I asked confused. I saw a couple of clouds on the sky but in general was clear. This means that today won't rain probably.

"Well... I don't know, you almost never have girlfriends." He said and I laughed.

"I am not that kind." I said and he narrowed his eyes and pushed me away gently.

"Are you gay?" He asked and I laughed out loud. This is too funny. When people don't see you around with 10 girls, breaking hearts and being a fuckboy then they believe you're gay. Unbelievable.

"Seriously?" I asked sarcastically and he swallowed hard, looking nervous around. "I mean... It's okay if you are, I still love you man." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah sure." I said and we kept walking. He was silent behind me.

"But just for the record I am not gay Mesut." I said but he didn't say anything back. We were distracted by footprints on the ground.

"Do you see that?" He asked and I nodded in response. I knelt down to see them better. They looked like it was human's. I frowned and looked around.

"Do you see anything?" I asked Mesut but he shook his head as a negative response. "Maybe we should follow them?" I asked him, he hesitated a bit but then he nodded.

We started walking, following the path that the footprints have left on the ground. I was wondering who they might be? They looked a bit small for being men footprints, so I wondered if maybe was one of the girl's who were on board.

Soon we reached an unknown area for us. There were plenty rocks of different sizes but most of them were bigger than a car. We clambered the rocks and then there, hidden between, we saw a girl fetal position. Her hands were clenched and resting between her chest. She was trembling.

"Are you okay?" I asked, she quickly looked in our direction. I felt Mesut moving behind me, trying to poke his head to see the girl.

"Who are you?" She asked sitting down now, her hand was on her forehead, covering her face because of the intense sun. I started going down to where she was, she took a step backwards but then she looked at me and remained quiet.

"I am Marco. I believe we met on the plane." I said extending my hand to her, to help her get out of ther, she hesitated.

"Don't you remember us?" I asked pointing to Mesut. He nodded quickly.

"You're the doctor's assistant." He said. She looked at him with wide eyes and swallowed hard.

"Come with us. You're safe now." I said extending my hand more closer to her, she took a step back and looked at me nervous.

"What's wrong?" I asked, she shook her head and I saw her dark eyes going glassy now.

"I can't- She started and then ran a hand through her tangled hair.

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