Help Me

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Chapter 7
The screaming gets louder and louder and it sounds like it is coming from my room. I jump out of bed and turn on the light it's Jade. Jades bleeding. Blood pours over her thighs and there is a man. A man is telling her to cut. It's the man from the other night. It's her ex. I wake up Liam who has had he's body weight in my all night and he wakes up confused. I whisper in he's ear what's happened and he goes red. Red with anger. You can practically see the steam coming from he's ears. I shout for Jade to stop but she can't hear me. I scream louder and louder but something stopping my voice. I have a lump in my throat and it won't go. Jades screams are getting louder as mine are getting quieter. Liam grabs the man and pushes him against the wall."sorry dude I'm not into guys." He smugly replies with a grin on he's face. "I don't think we have met before have we? Well I'll show you something of mine. Meet my fist." Liam shouts right in front of he's face as he's fist connects with he's jaw. Liam punches him there several times why I go and sit next to Jade removing the sharp object from her hand and telling her everything will be okay. I call the police and tell them what has happened and they said I will be there in 5minutes. Jade grabs my hand and cries,"your the only one I can trust, the only one who cares. Your the only one who can stop this. The only one who wants to know me. Is everything going to be okay?" Tear trickle down my head as I nod. At this point in time Liam has pinned her ex on the floor whilst we wait for the police to arrive. 4minuetes later the police turn up and arrest the man as he screams,"you think you've helped her? You wait till I get out of prison. Or even so until I get someone on you guys." He is taken away. No one can sleep for the rest of the night so we et ready for school and we make our way to the shopping centre as we have 3 hours to kill. Liam offers to drive whilst I hold jades hand all of the way. I'm glad I'm here for her if I wasn't imagine what could of happened. As we arrive at the empty mall we get Starbucks and we go to mcDonhalds for breakfast. Yes I know it's unhealthy but I couldn't care less today. Me and Jade are wearing practically the same a long black skirt with a baggy best-top and blazer. Where as Liam is wearing a dirty pair of jeans and a grey t-shirt. The time flies quickly and we all agree not to mention what happened this morning to anyone because the last thing we want is for someone to be spreading it across the school. All I know is I have to stay with Jade today because what her ex said must me grating on her mind.
Liam's pov
Last night flash back.

My phone vibrates in my pocket but I can't be bothered to answer it. It vibrates another 5times before I answer it. My mum is calling. Why would she call this late? I answer it. "Hello..." I say. "Liam, oh Liam darling nanny died." She cries into the phone. "U-u-uhhhh I have to go bye." I rush the phone call to the end. I cry into my lap and walk out of my flat. I go to the shop and by 2 bottles of liquor as I want to feel the constant burn as the liquid flows down my throat. I'm not good with pain never have been and never will be. I find myself on route to Aria's dorm room. I don't know why but I can trust her the most even though I have only known her for a couple of months. When I bang repeatedly on her dorm room there is no answer so I sit outside and wait. Time ticks by and it is about 10pm when I see Aria and Jade walking to the dorm room. Jade walks into the room and aria picks me up and whispers in my ear something about what I did but I can't really make out what it was. That night all I remember was getting in bed with this clingy material and cuddling aria. Then she wakes me up at 3am I think because there is a man in the room screaming at Jade making her cut herself with a broken beer bottle. Aria tells me who he is and what he's doing so I get really angry because people like this makes women believe men are abusive so I hit him and I can't stop. The more he winds me up the more angry I get and the more angry I get the more I want to kill him. I pin him down until the police come. I have a really bad headache already so this wake up call couldn't of came on a worst day. I am glad I and to aria about my problems though because she has really helped me not even by talking just by making me feel loved and safe which I don't feel a lot. When the police come they question me and take this awful, sinful human being out of my sight. If I see him again I swear down I will kill him. Today after I had Starbucks with aria and Jade I feel better so all I have to do now that I'm dreading is meeting up with boys because I don't know what aria has told them so I'm worried.
Aria's pov
Me and Jade drop Liam at Niall's house and then drive to school which quite frankly I'm dreading because everyone might know that Jade has for some scars on her thighs and wrists. On the way to school we have a long chat about her pass. "When I was around 6months my mother and father died in a car crash and my other family like my nan and that didn't want anything to do with me so I got put in care. When I was around 2years old a family took me and brought me up. Then when I turnt 7years old my foster dad died and my mum commited Suiscide so I had to grow up really fast. So I got put back in care that's where I met Dan my ex that you met. He was 16 when I was 14 and he got me into drugs and alcohol which I'm not proud of. He took my cherry and ten he became obsessive. I couldn't leave the house without him and I couldn't meet boys. One day I was so down I went to meet my councillor and he found me by a teacher he had placed in my phone without me knowing. He beat my councillor up and then came for me. As I didn't want to get physical with him he started to force me and beat me and I got so depressed I stare ted cutting and when I did he caught me. He thought it was sexy in some sort of way. He felt In control. So one day I got enough balls and ran away. This was when I'm 18 so this year. I came to uni and he found me. I am so sorry I brought this to you but I promise you I haven't cut in ages. It was only today because he made me." She cried. "I'm so glad you feel confident with me you told me. It's okay I'm glad I can be here for you." I reply.
We pull up to school and walk to science.

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