The Break Through

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August POV

~The Next Morning ~

I woke up with my arms wrapped around Jordyn,and Jordyn still sound asleep. I gently moved my arms from under her and I heard a noise downstairs, so I woke her up just in case it was a kidnapper or a killer or some thin' like that. I got up to what or who ever it was.

"Stay here,okay,don't go anywhere or make any noise" I whispered

"But, what if they come and-"

"Jordyn you will be okay,now get under tha bed" she does as I say and I walk out the room closing the door behind me

I walk down the stairs and towards the kitchen and a tall,dark figure stood in my path,almost hovering over me. They stuck a needle in my arm before I could do anything and before I was out, I said what I needed to.

"Jordyn run!!!" Then I was out

Jordyn POV

I sat there under the bed in silence. Then I heard and loud thud and then August said something.

"Jordyn run!!!" His voice fades away and I get out from under the bed

I put on my UGGS and one of August's sweatshirts, then I quickly ran down the hallway to crab the keys to my car and then I hear someone coming up the stairs. I silently run back across the hallway and go to my room and then I jump out the window hitting the ground hard. I go to the garage and get into my Chevy Malibu and headed out still not knowing who or what was in my house but it didn't matter to me anymore all I wanted was my everything, August. I continue to drive along the dark road and then I just happen to past by a police station, so I turn around and enter. When I go in there is no one at the front desk.

"Hello!" I look around for someone

"Oh,hold on out there !" I hear someone from the back stop moving and then they come out straightening there paints

"How you doing mam' and how may I help you ?"he grabs a notepad and pen

"Um,someone has just broke into my house and my boyfriend has either been drugged or killed and I want answer's immediately" he writes something down

"And mam',what is your address ?"

"2213 West Ocean Boulevard in Los Angeles,California"

"Wow,you have driven all the way out here just to file a report ?"

"No,I just continued to drive because I didn't know if they were following me or not and I was just beyond scared straight so yeah I just kept going"a lady came out from the back

" damn babe that was good I want some more when she leaves"she walked back to where she came from and we continued

"Oh sorry about that but we will get there right away you can go back home and police should be there"

"Okay,thank you so much" he nods and I walk out

~Back At Home ~

As i drove down the road to my house,I could already see the red and blue lights flashing,and as I get closer I see the ambulance and start to cry. I start to speed up and park in the grass across the street and then rush over to the ambulance.

"Hi,are you Jordyn Westbrooks ?"

"Y- yes" I was really emotional now

"Is August Alsina your um boyfriend ?"

"Yes,of course,is he okay,can I see him !?"

"Calm down,you can follow us to the hospital and then wait for us to call you in once we find out what happened to him. Is that okay with you ?"

August And Jordyn Alsina [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now