There's A Reason Why

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A/N: Aaliyah is played by Corie Rayvon and Khalil is played by Khalil Underwood. If you didn't know they are a couple in real life.


Jordyn POV

As I drove home I couldn't that my mom had had these kids and didn't bother contacting me. I know that I didn't tell her about mine but I Crimson was on the news when she was just three years old and Anthony had been caught on cameras while we were at the beach,how could she not know who they are. I have had a little brother and sister for who knows how long and I didn't even know about them until now. This is so fucked up.

Jasmine POV (Jordyn Mom)

"Mom,we had a older sister? Why didn't you tell us and we have a niece and nephew too" Khalil said in a frustrated tone

"Yeah,how come you never told us about them? This isn't right we gotta talk to her" Aaliyah said in agreement

"Aye y'all need ta head ova to da crib so y'all can have a talk bout dis shit cuz it gone take some time fo ha to get dis through ha head dat she got otha fam out there dat actually do love ha otha than me. I'll even drive to there just ta make my beybeh happy" August said joining in the conversation

"Who is you nigga" Khalil said still mad at the situation

"I'm ha husband and yo ass betta lose yo damn tone befo I beat yo ass nigga don't play wit a nigga from NOLA cuz imma represent my nigga. Y'all go wit Chelsea and them,Crim watch yo lil' brother fo me til I get back love y'all" he said as he walked up to me as I gave him the keys to me car

"Hop in and let's hit da road moms" Aug said as he got in my car

Even though me and August never really talked , he always called me mom even before him and Jordyn got married and it made me feel so good to know that Jordyn had such a good man on her side.

"Okay, but imma have to talk to my grands some time soon I just cant belive that I finally got me some grandchildren, I just had my own kid's 18 and 16 years ago. I am getting too old" I said as we drove off to go and talk to my first priority and oldest baby Jordyn...

~ At The Crib ~

When we stopped we were at this big house that looked to be a multimillion mansion, we got out and followed August to the door. When he unlocked the door we walked in and everyone was just admiring everything when a big black dog came at us barking.

"Bella heel dis fam so great Bella" August said as he jogged upstairs

The dog came to us, smelled us, then walked away.

"I don't give a fuck if she wants to talk to me! I ain't got time for her to come up in my damn house and try to convince me that all of this shit was a mistake when it ain't! I have had 2 kids within 7 years and she has had 2 'more' kids within the last 18,there is a big ass gap in that shit and if she didn't have the courage to tell me this shit before then I doubt that she could tell me why and how all of this happened now August so stop fucking trying to help her win me back, cuz you barely even talked to her out of all of the time that we have been together!!! I could hear Jordyn yelling from upstairs in what I'm guessing their bedroom

I got up and walked upstairs to the room I heard them arguing in and walked through the door. Jordyn looked at me with tears in her eyes and rushed out of the room before I had the chance to say anything.

"I'm so sorry August I didn't mean for her to go out on you or to have you go through this because of me. I just wanted to explain myself to her because I know that I hurt her by having these kids but I'll be on my way and...I love you August for making those two beautiful babies for my daughter, I really appreciate it" I said with a fake smile on the verge of tears

I walked out of the room to find Khalil and Aaliyah sitting on the couch looking rather shocked. When I ran outside I saw Jordyn sitting in August's Charger crying her eyes out then a red Hummer pulled up in the driveway. A young man and women got out with a little girl and my grands following closely behind them. Another young girl sat in the backseat of the car just watching.

"Is August still here ?" the man said as the women picked up the girl that was looking behind them

"And where is Jordyn?" the women said as the girl she was holding hid her face by laying it on the women's shoulder

"Yes August is here but Jordyn is in the car right there, August is in the house" I told them while eyeing Jordyn's kids as the older one his her little brother from me

Before they could make it to the door I stopped them by walking in front of them and opening the door for them but stopped them again.

"Umm, could one of you tell August that I'm leaving now and don't plan on coming back any time soon. Could you also tell my kids to come on so we can go and if you talk to Jordyn tell her that I'm sorry but I'll text her later. Thank you" I walked off and got in my car then started the engine.

When Khalil and Aaliyah got in the car I had to explain to them why I didn't tell them about Jordyn sooner  than now then we pulled out of the driveway and headed home.

August POV


What will all of this drama lead too? How are Khalil and Aaliyah feeling about what Jasmine said? What do you think Jasmine said? What other questions do you have cuz I cant think of anymore? Tell me in the comments below.

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