Oh No

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Jordyn POV

August still hasn't came back and it has been 7 hours since I had called earlier. I don't want to talk to Crimson unless the topic of the conversation is there. I guess Crim was starting to worry because she was looking around as if he was there and then I got kinda scared because what if my Auggie Bear was kidnapped?

"Crimson baby,you have to go to Uncle Trey Trey house for a while okay ,mommy has something to do so your  gonna be with him for a little but then mommy's gonna come and get you okay " she just started crying and I honestly didn't know why

"But where's daddy" I sighed

I knew I couldn't answer that question so I just picked up the phone and called Trey. Me and Trey haven't seen each other since that time August went missing and he ended up in the hospital so I knew he would be happy to hear from me. Crimson and him always facetime but have never seen each other in person. I dialed his number in hopes that he still had the same number and luckily he picked up on the third ring.

"Hey Trey !" Crimson still sat there crying

"Jordyn oh my God ,I haven't talked to you in so long ,how have you and Aug been ?" this made me so happy

"We've been great oh and I am pregnant on the low so don't tell nobody but just so you know"

"Oh okay but why you called me though"

"Oh umm well August has been out for a while and I -" he cut me off

"Do you need me to help you find him? Again."

"That and I need you to watch Crimson for a while so I can try to look for him myself,is that okay with you ?"

"Yeah of course anything for my lil sis! I'm coming now so pack up ha stuff okay"

"Okay thanks and see you soon !"

"Ight" we ended our call

See this is exactly why I love Trey so much,he always has treated me as if I was apart of his family and would help me at anytime in need. The fact that he wants to watch Crimson for me doesn't surprise me but the fact that he is willing to watch her for as long as it takes for me to find August is what gets me.

~ 35 Minutes Later ~

Trey had just arrived and my baby girl was not happy at all to leave.

"Hey Trey" I gave him a hug

"What's up" he kissed my forehead "So where is Crimson" I look behind me to see no sign of Crimson

"Umm,maybe she's upstairs, she didn't take this whole leaving me thing to well so she's probably in her room pouting, but I'll go get her,here are her bags if you want to go ahead and put them in the car" he nodded and went outside with Crim's bags

I walked upstairs to Crimson's room but she wasn't there,I went to my room she wasn't there,I went to the balcony she wasn't there,so I rushed downstairs and out the front door where Trey was putting her bags in the car and she wasn't there!        Where the hell is my baby at !          I raced back into the house and just panicked

"CRIMSON !.........CRIMSON !"there was no answer and Trey came back in the house

" Why you yellin' , where she at ?"he looked confused and scared then I panicked even more

"Oh my God I can't find my baby!" I started pacing back and forth in front of Trey who was now concerned

"Well damn you do know you got a big ass house she could be anywhere but I know damn well you ain't search the whole house yet" I ignored what he said and tried to think of where she could be then it hit me.          She was at the Gazebo in our small flower field!                    I ran past Trey as he followed me out the glass sliding door to the back of our house and went towards the baby blue Gazebo and there sat little Crimson looking at some birds in the near by field of flowers

August And Jordyn Alsina [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now