Chapter Twenty-One

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The next day was quite interesting for Harry because his picture wasn't splashed across the newspapers. Paparazzi hadn't seen him outside last night. Lucy wasn't known to the world, well as his new companion. He wouldn't call her girlfriend yet, because he wasn't sure if she wanted that. It was known that both of them wanted to see each other again. Harry got his wish earlier than expected when William stopped by his room in the morning.

"How did the evening go?" the older brother asked.

Harry smiled devilishly. "Well." He could've used a million different adjectives to describe the date but he wanted to keep it to himself for the first time in a long time, even if that meant keeping the secrets away from his brother. Harry wanted this life, whatever life with Lucy, to be just his and hers. He knew that wouldn't work forever, but he would give his all now.

"And you talked her into getting the award," William continued.

"I did." Harry nodded. "She didn't want it."

"I suspected as much."

"I explained the situation to her, leaving out the details of the monarchy wanting it. I told her that paparazzi would keep going after her until all of this was settled. And she is already starting to go away from the spotlight. That's good." When the words left Harry's mouth, he felt terrible about them and about his choices. With the other girls, they had no problem with the spotlight, but Lucy specifically didn't want that.

William nodded. "Whoever contacted her, contacted us, and she wants to get the award done with sooner rather than later."

"How early?"

"The Queen's next opening was this afternoon, and she was happy to comply to the hero who saved hundreds on a train." William smiled. "She'll meet the Queen faster than any of the rest of your girlfriends."

Harry friendly glared at his brother. "The Queen doesn't know about Lucy."

"She'll find out when you're there, along with the media that is watching."

Questioning his older brother's means, Harry swallowed.

"The bodyguards last night said you couldn't take your eyes off of her," William explained.

"You talked with the bodyguards?"

"I am the future King, Harry, and they're there for the protection. I also wanted to know what I was walking into this morning."

"If I would be upset?"

"If there would be a girl in your bed," he corrected.

Harry laughed. No, Lucy was dropped off at her hostile last night with no more than some kisses. If either of them expected anything else, it was a no. Harry wanted to wait, to make sure this was okay first. He wanted to feel it out, feel Lucy out. He wanted to understand. He wanted to fully love and care for her when he took her to bed. He wanted to explore her body and the lines that crossed it in the most beautiful and pure form possible. He wanted to be sure. He wanted Lucy to be sure.

"She really agreed to it?" Harry asked.

"You thought she might not?" William asked.

"I thought she would runaway."

William laughed. "I think she might be staying a while."

Harry ached an eyebrow. "What does that mean?"

The Duke of Cambridge glanced to the open door, where no one stood or listened. "We have friends in many places, Harry, and I have just gotten word that Lucy has put in a form for temporary citizenship of the United Kingdom. Though temporary, it's the first step in becoming a full citizen."

Harry swallowed. There were many reasons Lucy would've liked to stay, and it easily could've been that she feared going back to the U.S. He hoped she wanted to stay for him but she was free to do what she liked. Back in the U.S., they still hadn't changed their gun laws. In fact, they had made them looser, able to get a gun, the ability to shoot. Lucy didn't fear much but she didn't feel the need to be shot again.

"Is she doing this for you?" William asked. "Is she a romantic or does she feel you might keep her around?"

"She's doing this for herself."

William nodded. "Whatever it is, she is expected here at one in the afternoon, where the ceremony will take place at two." He walked to the door. "Harry, be careful today. There will be many cameras. I know you care about this girl and I suspect she cares about you--"

"Wills, I know what is necessary. I won't let her get hurt by paparazzi. I won't let it show."

"You may have no choice."

"Letting the feelings show?"

"Getting hurt by paparazzi," William stated. "They'll come after her, no matter what, even for the smallest inconsistency. They'll find her weakness."

Harry got out of bed. "It's a good thing Lucy has no weakness."

William nodded and left without another word.

Harry agreed that Lucy had a weakness, like all humans do, but she wouldn't let the paparazzi get under her skin. However, even with the years he lived, the paparazzi knew how to get under Harry's skin. They would call her many means things, claim she was a gold-digger or she was whore. And if that didn't work, they would claim things about him: his wandering eyes, perhaps he was seen out with another girl or whatever. If she didn't have full trust in him or if he didn't have full trust in her, their relationship would fail quicker than it started.

Dressing, he realized that perhaps William had been warning Harry not to come. Someone would notice. Harry wasn't present at a lot of these things but since she was now a "hero" of the world, especially of the nation, he was expected to be there, like much of the royal family. William had said Lucy would meet Harry's family faster than any girlfriend he had before. Harry would also show up to support Lucy, who definitely didn't want to do this.

When the time rolled around, William, Catherine and Harry all joined together at Buckingham Palace to welcome Miss Lucille Smith of the United States of America. She didn't disappoint, on time and dressed appropriately. She wore a dress for the occasion, and she had made it clear to Harry that she didn't like dresses.

Harry's eyes followed her as she walked in, even when she didn't notice them standing there. There were many more people who wished to meet her, to shake her hand, and she did this in kind. She smiled and waved. She laughed when someone said something funny, and it was marvelous. Lucy looked relaxed while doing this, natural at genuineness.

William clapped his brother on the shoulder and laughed. Harry drew his attention away from Lucy. "You're watching her," William whispered with his a smile. His voice was much more urgent. "You'll expose her."

"It can't just be in awe of such a hero."

"Not the way you're looking at her," Catherine hissed. She had been well trained with this life as well.

William had the right to be concerned, about his brother, about the monarchy and about Lucy. The cameras were watching. Most of them waited upon Lucy, but cameras had turned toward William, Catherine and Harry, whatever they said about this hero as she made her way down the line. She came nearer and nearer, until Lucy stood right in front of Harry.

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