Chapter Eighteen

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It was a belief moment that Harry was more nervous for a date with Lucy than she was. He had changed his outfit many times and his brother along with his brother's wife had come in to watch and laugh. Eventually, Catherine offered her help, which Harry didn't want to take. He did, and Catherine changed him into something more comfortable. In the end, when he wore jeans and a nice jacket, he was almost unrecognizable with his lack of suits. And then a bodyguard brought in Harry an earpiece.

"With these situations, sir," the bodyguard spoke, "we will be in the restaurant too, five of us in total, and a car will be waiting out front in case a getaway is needed. We cannot alert the restaurant without the media somehow being involved. The reservation is in the back, away from the windows, and you'll want to face the rest of the restaurant." He gave Harry the earpiece. "We will not be able to hear what you say, but in case of an emergency, this will alert you without alerting the rest of the restaurant."

Catherine stepped forward. "What about Lucille?" She meant whether Lucy would be apart of the exit plan.

"Miss Smith," the bodyguard began, but Harry interrupted.

"Lucy can take care of herself," Harry said. "But, if there's a problem. I want her to be able to get out, without the photos of her."

"That'll be difficult, sir."

Harry steadied his gaze upon the bodyguard. "I want it done."

The bodyguard nodded and walked out of the room. This allowed William to step forward and place his hands on his younger brother's shoulders. "Are you nervous?"

"No." Harry adjusted his jacket. "Why would I be?"

"Because," Catherine stepped forward, "common girls are quite intimidating." There was a sparkle of light in her eyes as they directed at her husband. Catherine used to be a common girl. However, Harry wasn't interested on calling Lucy a girl when she was a woman.

"I've had common girls try to date me before," Harry said.

Catherine laughed. "Yes, but you've never wanted to date one."

"Chelsy was a common girl. I dated her." Harry didn't like to speak about the past, as well as Chelsy who perhaps had broken his heart when she left. She was technically a common girl, but most people wouldn't think so. She came from a family of millionaires. Though Lucy had money, she didn't have that much.

"Yes," William agreed, "but I think Lucy can be called much different than Chelsy."

Harry agreed with his older brother. "Should I be nervous?"

Catherine chuckled. "I think you are properly nervous, but you act as if you are not. And you should be nervous." She winked.

A smile tugged at Harry's lips. "What does that mean?"

"She can kick ass. Let her say no and go, if needed." Catherine quickly left, sighing to her with a form of giggles.

William laughed and backed from his brother. "Harry, don't let Kate bother you. She only jokes."

Harry nodded. "She's correct. I'm nervous, and I know I shouldn't be. I've worked with Lucy, and I've lived with her. I have spent so much time with her, but she's different, Wills. In Africa, she was calm, but here, she's tense. It's like she feels someone is coming for her."

The media would come for her, but it was something different. She didn't trust her life. In the United Kingdom, she didn't have to worry much about a man with a gun coming for her. The media was her problem. Even if she was never recognized with Prince Harry, she was known for her ability to handle rowdy people. However, she couldn't take them down, with violence being wrong and she wouldn't let them win if she mocked them. The best move for her was to keep her head down and push through the crowd, but Harry knew she wouldn't do that.

"Harry, I realize this might not be a good time to bring this up with her," William began, and Harry paused. Their blues eyes shined. "No one has been able to contact her, and many people want to reward her."

Harry turned to face his brother. "How?"

"They would like to give her awards, like the country where the train was stopped in and the country she is from, and it is expected our grandmother will give her an award as well." The Prime Minister would give her an award too, and they wouldn't be the only ones.

"That would put Lucy even more in the spotlight," Harry hissed. He would ask her, to always give her a choice, but he knew her answer. It would be no. Lucy wished to stay out of the spotlight as much as she could manage.

"Yes, but, Harry, we may need to think about some other things." William swallowed. "The media will continue to chase her, and it's not until she sees her reward that she might be free of them."

"They could still come after her?"

"They'll forget about her, Harry. They forget about heroes." The older brother took a few steps back. "Harry, if the awards are not given to her, whether she wants them or not, it could backfire against the monarchy?"

"You're worried about us in this moment?"

The Duke of Cambridge nodded. "As you should be. You should care for her, but the monarchy will stand for this."

"And if she's seen with me and if she gets the award, people will suspect conspiring with the monarchy. If she's seen with me and if she doesn't receive the award, people will suspect conspiring with the monarchy," Harry stated. "She isn't safe either way."

"The only way to keep her safe is for the media not to know of her and you."

"Wills, is that really what you want?" Harry challenged. "Is that what our grandmother wants?"

"Harry, no one wants that. We want you happy, but this needs to be spoke about. We need to take the better option."

"In case Lucy and I don't work out?"

"Does she want you two to work out?"

Harry's glare interrupted whatever William thought to say next. "William, I really like this woman, probably a lot more, and I know you want me to happy. I know you are taking care of the monarchy, trying to protect us. You also married for love. I want to do the same. Girls forever have thrown themselves at me, and she doesn't care to do that. Even if she walks away, I will give her the respect to walk away. I want her free."

William nodded. "Are you sure she didn't throw herself at your feet? Are you sure Lucy didn't do it on purpose?"

Harry swallowed.

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