Chapter Twenty-Three

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The Queen and Lucy had gone into their private room and already the media started to dissipate, and so did the other royals. Either the royals had something else to do or they were done for the day, but they left as soon as they could. This left Harry with William and Catherine. William gave a wink to his younger brother before him and his wife excused themselves.

Harry appropriately waited for Lucy outside the room, after getting an early dinner to be served at four in the afternoon for him and her in the garden. Harry wasn't sure if she would like it, but he willed her to want it. Harry fixed his cuff links as the doors opened. The Queen said one last thing to Lucy, and Lucy smiled. The Queen walked away.

Lucy's eyes matched Harry's as she came over. The room emptied for them, and her eyes made him wonder. "A tour around Buckingham Palace?"

"Do you really want to?" he asked.

Sucking in some air, she nodded. The answer was probably no, but this was an once in a lifetime opportunity. Who else got a personal tour of Buckingham Palace from Prince Harry?

"I was also thinking an early dinner in the garden."

Lucy stopped before she even started. "Might people notice?"

Harry paused, because he knew where they were going in the gardens, no. No one was allowed back there, because it was the personal gardens of the royal family when they stayed at the palace. He knew what Lucy thought. "Perhaps then a walk through the garden and an early dinner elsewhere." He said it to make her comfortable, and it appeared to work.

She smiled.

"Follow me."

Lucy followed Harry out of the room, where he paused, glanced both ways and then took a side hallway. He led her away from the tour groups path and the way she came in. She thought to say she might be caught; however, here she an honored guest. Also, Harry stood beside her.

His fingers stretched but didn't reach for Lucy's hand yet. He would, but after she grew comfortable here. Her body was still tense, but her eyes sparkled in awe. Lucy had always liked history, and this was her love. She was surrounded by everything that made her human. Humanity glowed within her.

Waiting patiently, Harry watched Lucy. She stopped at every picture, and she would say something about it. Harry said what he could, when he usually didn't know much. He preferred doing the art over knowing the history. Sometimes Lucy would know more about the history within the picture than Harry did.

Eventually, Lucy allowed Harry to move on. He gave the best tour he could, showing her the sights and he talked about some of the rooms that no one else could go into. It had been a while since he lived withing Buckingham Palace, and he hadn't lived there long. Though, he had stayed with his father as long as he could after his mother's death, he mostly spent time at boarding schools.

"Have paparazzi been following you?" Harry asked.

"No." Lucy's eyes found him again, walking side by side. "They seem to be forgetting about me. They started out strong and apparently have found something more interesting."

Agreeing, his eyes focused forward. "Your picture will be on front pages."

"I expected that." She sighed. "I expect more when I go back to the U.S."

Harry swallowed. "Are you going back soon?"

Lucy shook her head no. "I don't want to, and I've talked to my grandfather and he says I can come home whenever I want. I really don't want to go back."

"Because of the guns?"

"Yes and no." Harry paused and Lucy slowed beside him. "It doesn't feel like my home anymore, and that country doesn't feel like my country anymore. It feels weird to say because there's this belief in America that everyone wants to be an American, and it's so great to be American. I don't feel that way. I feel scared, and I don't want to be scared."

"I don't want you to be scared," Harry agreed. "You think the United Kingdom might be your new home?"

Lucy nodded. "Or at least I have hopes. They get to choose whether I stay or not."

"We would be idiots not to take you." They walked again. "Have you been looking at any other countries?"

"If the U.K. and I do not work out, Ireland and Germany might be the best other choices."

"Germany?" Harry arched an eyebrow. "You would have to learn another language."

"I took German in high school, and then I continued even when I no longer went to school." She smirked, as if ready to mock him, but she spoke no other words.

"Well, I have confidence the United Kingdom would welcome you with open arms." Harry led Lucy off, moving to the outside.

It was warm and comfortable, even as they started to move into September. You could've called it global warming or climate change. The clouds were light, barely covering the sun, and Harry allowed Lucy into the gardens the back way so that no tourists saw them together. Harry had still yet to reach for Lucy's hand, and she kept to herself.

She appreciated the garden and how beautiful it was, but she hadn't been expecting to go into the gardens. Her eyes started to water and she sneezed a few times. Harry glanced over and realized she had allergies. She knew the beautiful garden and she wanted to stay, but Harry escorted her out of the greens and back into Buckingham Palace.

Harry led again, taking her into a private room, where Lucy almost gasped audibly. There was food scattered around for an early dinner, and Harry had arraigned this. She wasn't sure if she liked this, being treated like this, with this food left for her and him. Granted, she liked the private moments with Harry, but this was extravagant. She wasn't fully comfortable with this.

"Can I assume," Harry began, "that I can call this our second date?" He locked the door behind them, out of comfort for her.

His words brought her back. "Yes." She agreed but this wasn't her ideal date.

They sat down across from one another and they were allowed to take whatever food they wanted. Lucy wasn't fully sure what to do with herself. Harry spoke and Lucy answered. Laughter ensued. He relaxed back into his seat, as Lucy became fully comfortable with him again. Harry could say he was finally happy again.

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