Chapter Thirty-Seven

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The balls of fire hit the windows, shattering them into pieces. Perhaps there would've been some way to stop the tiny bombs if the bars had been against the windows, meant to protect anyone inside. But it usually scared off people, thinking this wasn't a safe place. It was; it was meant to help people. Others didn't see it that way.

The glass fell like quick and heavy snow, and it didn't grace the ground like it should've. It was too prickly and hurtful, not safe enough to walk along. It was meant as a guard almost, in which you had to dare to walk on to get out the nearest door. The safer exit probably would've been through the back, but in the front, you could get out the fastest. The windows were gone, and without the metal bars, there was nothing to stop whatever they threw in next.

The people, whoever they were, threw more of these tiny bombs in, which was cloth dipped in gas or something of that sort and then lit on fire to be thrown into the building. Papers were lit on fire, along with everything that could catch fire. Smoke started to rise, and everything was orange in Lucy's eyesight, as she laid on the ground.

Her body had been moving over to her coworker, but when the small fireballs came in, there had been some pops, as if fireworks had also been placed in the cloth as well. Lucy didn't remember how she ended up on the floor, but it probably was for her protection. Her body did it for herself, just for some thought of protection. Lucy's ears buzzed, a high-pitched ringing sound, but she couldn't grasp what was around her. She didn't understand what was happening.

Unlike the other times in Lucy's past, she was injured now, her skin and bones. Something hurt. Adrenaline had been pushing through her veins but had dissipated for a second. She was on her own. As her mind tried to grasp the damage, adrenaline again pushed through her veins. She regain as much control as she could.

Lucy's legs were wobbly, unsteady as she stood. Her knees collapsed, and she caught herself on a burning desk. The coat Lucy wore caught on fire, and she pulled it off with desperate hands. Panic arose in her, but she managed to get it off and it dropped on the ground. Lucy scrambled to her feet again, and the smoke caught her. She coughed as she choked on the heavy darkness. She blinked tears and dust away.

Her eyes looked outside, where it was dark. No more bombardments looked to be upon the building. Her calculated eyes stayed focused on the outside, with some moment, as people ran away. Lucy thought to go after the people but by the time she got out there, they would be gone.

Her old coworker laid on the ground, and Lucy immediately went over, trying to help the woman up. The woman was heavy and made no sound to prove alive. In the cracking of fire and things around, she leaned down to listen. Her coworker made no sound. No more fireballs had been thrown into the building, and the sound of yells came from outside.

Pulling for the old coworker, she didn't moved. Her leg was caught under a desk, which had collapsed. Lucy immediately went over to free it, standing. Adrenaline pushed through Lucy's veins, and this extra energy made Lucy lift harder on the desk. It almost dropped on her own feet but she got it away from the old woman.

Rushing back to the woman who lied on the ground, Lucy checked for a pulse, and there was none. She still had hope, though. Lucy grabbed the woman and began to pull, leading toward the closed door.

"Hey, you!" someone yelled.

This took Lucy's energy off the woman to glance over at a person standing outside. A police officer called to her, but Lucy didn't respond.

"You!" the police officer called. Behind them, red and blue lights began to flash, coming closer, along with bright headlights. Sirens echoed off into the distance, but started to come closer. "Get out of there!"

Lucy shook her head. "There is someone else trapped in here. Help me!"

The police officer looked around, but the only way to get in was somehow jumping over fire. This officer of the law wasn't a superhero. Lucy laid the woman on the ground for a second and raced to the door. The metal burned her hand but she forced it open, and a police officer came in. "Get out. I'll get her."

Her only response was going back over to her dead coworker. The police officer didn't appear to be pleased about this. "Come on!" Lucy screamed, and the police officer complied.

Lucy grabbed the heavier side of the woman, the arms and torso, while the officer grabbed the legs and rear, and they marched out of the building. At this time, everything was ablaze around them. Smoke filled the air. Lucy did her hardest to hold her breath, and her eyes watered. Adrenaline continued to push through her body, but she couldn't have told you left from right. Around her, everything was orange, with a dangerous hue and smell.

The clean air didn't come fast enough, and the woman was laid on the ground. Unfortunately, Lucy found herself on the ground too. On all fours, she tried to breathe as she came down from the high of adrenaline. This was a lot different than taking down a gunman. Perhaps, fire wasn't her forte.

The police officer had started resuscitation on Lucy's coworker, and more police officers came. Two officers helped Lucy's coworker, while a couple more came to Lucy. "Are you okay?"

She only nodded, taking in as much fresh air as she could. River Thames' smell wouldn't bother her again, at least. Her eyes were wet from the smoke, and the officer touched her slightly.

"Paramedics are almost here," he promised.

Lucy nodded. Her eyes stayed focused on her old coworker. She was pale but black ash laid slightly on her face. There were a few burn marks in her clothes. She was dead, and she couldn't be brought back.

"I'm sorry," the police officer said. "Was she your friend?"

Lucy nodded.

"She has passed."

Lucy nodded. There was no need to say the obvious.

"The paramedics are here," he said. "Can you walk?"

Standing, the police officer hung onto her and tried to help her. Lucy would've preferred to do it alone, but he did what he thought was necessary. Red and blue lights flashed, and even more showed up. Lucy had a hard time not looking at her dead coworker, but the nice, old lady wasn't coming back. She was loaded into the back of the emergency vehicle, and it took off.

An oxygen mask was put on her, and she got a dirty look when she tried to take it off. "Lay back," a paramedic ordered, and she did such. As her adrenaline high came down, her pain arose. Lucy swallowed a scream.

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