Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to My Best Friend Since Second Grade

Ally's P.O.V.

I sighed. Why did I have writers block today, out of all days? Austin was coming to hear my finished song, and the first verse hadn't even been completed.

I shook my head. Maybe it'll come to me later. 

"Guess who got a job at the candy store!" Trish walked in, announcing her new job like always.

Dez walked in behind her,looking confused. "Who? I thought that Ally was still Austin's songwriter!"

Trish walked up to Dez. "Um, I don't know, maybe the person who's wearing chocolate on their head and is carrying around a bag of candy?" She gestured at her candy-themed uniform.

Dez still looked confused. "But Ally isn't doing that."

Just then, Austin walked in. "Ooh, candy!" He reached for a piece of candy, but Trish slapped his hand away. "The candy's not for you. But I have something that is!"

Dez looked even more confused. "Why are you asking Trish for candy? Ally's the one who works at the candy store!"

Trish pulled out a letter from her bag. "I have a very important letter for-"

Dez reached out. "Oh, me?" Before Trish could stop him, he opened the envelope and started reading the letter. "OMG! I've been invited to Miami's Top Ten Music Awards Gala? This is so exciting!"

I walked up to Dez and pulled the letter out of his hand. "Yeah, except this isn't for you, Dez."

He didn't believe it. "Then who's it for?"

Trish looked amused. "I don't know, maybe Austin Moon like it says on the envelope?"

Dez looked at the front of the envelope. "Oh! Here you go, Austin." He leaned in towards Austin. "I think you're really gonna like what it says," he whispered. Then he left.

Austin read the letter out loud. As if we hadn't heard it already, I thought. "OMG! I've been invited to Miami's Top Ten Music Awards Gala? This is so exciting!" He re-read to himself, and his face dropped a little. "But it's on Valentine's Day," he whined.

Trish snorted. "Yeah, so? It's not like you're gonna do anything, right?"

Austin recovered. "Yeah. Yeah, it's not like I'm doing anything, right? So you're my pianist, right, Ally?" 

"Yep." I nodded. He smiled weakly, and went out the front door like Dez.

I looked at Trish. "What was that all about?"

She shook her head. "I have no idea. Maybe he was planning something for someone!" Her eyes lit up. "I wonder who..."

I nodded with her, but inside I was confused. Sure, Austin and I had broken up. So why did I care? Did I still have feelings for him? I scolded myself. I couldn't. If Austin wants to date another girl, then he can. It's not my choice.

Austin's P.O.V.

I was really bummed out. I had been hoping on asking Ally out on a date on Valentine's Day. I know we broke up, but hey, second time's the charm, right?

So it's just my luck the most important awards ceremony in Miami is happening the exact same day I had everything planned out. It didn't matter, anyways. Ally probably just see's me as a friend, nothing more.

I reached over to grab my phone off the table. I quickly dialed Ally's number. Even if I couldn't ask her to be my girlfriend, she was still my songwriter, and I really needed the new song she had been working on for my next concert.

Ally picked up on the second ring. "Hello?"

I grinned. "Hey, it's me. Austin. So, um, can I come over later? I need to get the song for the concert."

She groaned. "Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about that! I am such a bad songwriter. It's just that I can't think of anything. I have nothing I can write."

I tried to cheer her up. "Hey, that's alright. Don't feel bad. Um, how about I come by Sonic Boom and we can work on the song together?"

I could hear her smile in her voice. "Okay, that'll be great. I'm just closing now, so meet me in a few?"


"Thanks, Austin. Bye now!"

"Anytime. Bye." I hung up, feeling a little happier. Another chance to hang out with Ally. What with the concerts, and the interviews and the music videos, I just haven't had enough time for my friends lately.

I grabbed my guitar in case we needed it and slipped out the front door.

"Mom! I'm heading down to Sonic Boom!" I shouted.

"Okay, sweetie! Have fun!" I heard her yell back.

I didn't want it to be fun. I wanted it to be special.

My fingers were crossed as I started the 20-minute walk to Sonice Boom.

Ally's P.O.V.

As I sat on the front counter, waiting for Austin to arrive, I heard footsteps approaching. Not Austin. His house was twenty minutes away. He couldn't have gotten here so fast. I assumed it was some confused customer or something.

"Sorry. Store's closed right now." I didn't even look up from my songbook.

A strangely familiar voice chuckled. "I know. I'm here because of you, not the store."

I finally looked at the person. My jaw dropped. "Dallas? What are you doing here?" Truth was, I still had a crush on Dallas. It faded away, but every now and then his warm smile popped into my mind.

He looked a little nervous. "Well, uh, it's almost Valentine's Day, right?"

I nodded, unsure where this was going.

"So I was wondering...if you'd maybe kinda like to maybe kinda go somewhere then?"

It never occured to me that I was playing for Austin that exact same night when I said yes.

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