Chapter Two

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Austin's P.O.V.

I smiled. Ally and I had just finished working on the song. It turned out great. I didn't know why Ally was so nervous.

Ally finished playing the last chord and scribbled it down in her songbook. She turned to me and grinned. "You're going to sound great at the music awards, Austin." We had decided this was the song I was going to perform at the gala.

I winked at her. "Only becuase you're my pianist." Instead of blushing like I thought she would, her face turned a little paler and she stood up. "I am so stupid," she muttered to herself.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her back down. "Whoa, hold up. What's wrong?"

She looked worried. "I-I don't think I can make it, Austin."

"What?" She was the only pianist I knew! I couldn't play for myself, I had to dance at the gala.

"I'm so sorry, Austin. But you're going to have to find another pianist."

She stood back up and walked out of the room.

 All I did was watch her leave.

Ally's P.O.V.

This has to be the stupidest thing I've done. Stupider than losing a kangaroo. Stupider than sinking a houseboat. Even stupider than giving away the whole store. Although technically the first two were Dez's and Trish's fault, but you can still link it to me somehow.

February 14th was going to be Austin's night. The one where he received an award he's been working for up to this moment.

I threw my pencil on the ground. Stupid, stupid me. I sighed. It was too late. I didn't that Austin would want to talk to me now.

Just then, my phone started ringing. I answered it before checking the caller ID. For all I know, I could be talking to a serial killer right now.

"Hello?" I asked wearily, not caring who heard me.

Dallas's voice filled my ear. "Hey, Ally. You sound like you're sad." He suddenly sounded nervous. "Oh, um, did you hear the news already then?'

I didn't like where this was going. But my life couldn't possibly get any worse, right? I just blew off my best friend and gave up the chance to perform live at the Miami Top Ten Music Awards Gala. Yeah, life doesn't suck more than that.

Or so I thought. "What news?" I questioned.

I heard him sigh. "Well, um, I guess I should just tell you. My boss told me I had to work on Valentine's Day. Extra holiday sale or something. I'm sorry. We're gonna have to go out another time."

I tried to force a smile, even though he couldn't see me. "Oh. It's alright. I don't mind. Uh, talk to you later." I hung up before he could say anything. Great. Now not only does my best friend hate me, but my crush probably thinks I'm a weirdo too. My life is just one big ray of sunshine, sarcasm intended.

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