Chapter Four

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Ally's P.O.V.

I could hear Austin calling behind me. But I kept on running.

How could I be such a moron? It was obvious that Austin liked me. Or does he?

One thing was for sure: I still like Austin. He probably hated me right now though.

"Ally!" said Austin, panting. "Sorry for ignoring you. I was being mean. If you don't wanna play, that's your choice. I'll be okay with whichever one you choose."

"Thanks," I replied, not knowing what else to say. 

"And if you do have something, it's alright. Like I said, I've already found a pianist and you don't have to worry."

"Thanks," I said again like an idiot.

"But if you want to, you can come to the afterparty with me, okay? I got an extra ticket and I want you to come."

"Thanks," I repeated.

"So, um, bye I guess. If you change your mind, tell me okay? But if you don't, I won't mind. It's up to you."

"Thanks," I said without thinking.

Austin gave me a half-smile. "Um, don't you have any other words iin your vocabulary? I mean, you're so smart and everything."

"Thanks," I said, then mentally face-palmed myself. Dork, I thought.

"Well, um, bye, Ally," Austin called, already leaving. I wasn't sure of what to say except, "Thanks," so I kept my mouth shut and just waved.

 I was such a dunce. Thanks? Was that all I could say? Austin was being so nice and all I could say was, "Thanks." My life sucked.

Austin's P.O.V.

It felt good to get it off my chest. I didn't like ignoring Ally. She was my best friend and the most talented person I know. After me, of course. No, just kidding.

If Ally had something to do, then I wasn't one to get in her way. If she wanted to come to the gala with me, great. Either way, she was still my friend.

I may have lied a little. There really wasn't another pianist. So I was gonna have to somehow convince Ally to play for me.

Ally liked music. She also liked pickles. That was really all I knew. She was a nerd, a geek, a dork, whatever. She liked school. She was good at playing the piano. 

I've been told I have a very big imagination. Which is probably why I came up with this: a piano made of pickles that gives you math problems every five minutes. She would love it. If only it existed.

Maybe if I just took her somewhere special...she would like that, right? A pickle spa or something. Yeah, I would have to work on that.

Who knows? Maybe she would agree anyways. That would be good. It would make it easier for me to ask her out.

I still planned on asking her, even if she wouldn't go to the gala with me. 

Trish's P.O.V.

I hadn't heard from Austin or Ally in a few days. I dialed Ally's number and she quickly picked up.

"Hey, Ally," I said.

She sounded sad. "Hi, Trish." Ally paused a little. "Do you think Austin still likes me?"

I shook my head at her, in a disapproving way. "Duh! Of course he does. Why did you even bother asking?"

"Because I think I like him too."

I sighed. Sometimes people could be so blind. "Yes, I knew that too," I replied patiently. "Did you realize that now?"

She laughed. "No, I just think that Austin used to like me, but I've been such a jerk that he just wants to be friends now."

"Tell me why," I said, folding my arms. You don't talk to your friends for a couple of days and you miss everything.

"It's a long story, but here goes. Dallas asked me out-"

"Oh my gosh! Did you say yes?" I squealed.

"Yeah, but Austin wanted me to play for his gala the exact same day. So, I picked Dallas."

I mentally slapped Ally. Not hard. "Why?"

"I wasn't thinking!" she said defensively.

"Okay, well, the answer is obvious."

"What?" she asked hopefully.

"Pick Dallas and move on with your life."

I heard Ally gasping. "Are you serious?"

"No, and it doesn't matter, you would've picked Austin anyways so go with him."

She groaned. "Except Austin already has a pianist."

"Who cares? Ask Austin to ditch that pianist." Ally really needed to start living on the wild side.

"Yeah, okay, thanks, Trish," she said, sounding unsurprised by my suggestions. "Call you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay. Bye, Ally."

She said bye and hung up.

I thought about it. If Ally didn't talk to Austin...

I would.

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