Chapter Six

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Sorry it took me so long to update...I had a really long period of writer's block.


Ally's P.O.V.

"Austin! Austin, wait up!" I called, running after him. He hadn't gotten very far into the mall, so it was easy to catch up to him. He turned around. "What?" he asked. "Are you gonna quit on me again? I should've known better than to listen to Trish," he said, muttering the last sentence to himself.

"What?" I asked, confused. "No! No," I said, shaking my head. "No, I just...wanted to know what song you wanted to sing at the music awards." I hoped my excuse would be enough to convince Austin.

He brightened. "Oh! Okay. Well, um, I thought maybe we should write a new one, since this is my first awards show with you performing too." He stuck his hands in his pockets, shifting from one foot to another.

I smiled. "Okay, no problem. Do you wanna work on it now, or later? Because the awards are pretty soon, right?" I counted off the days in my head. Maybe...a few days to work on it or so?

Austin nodded. "Alright. We can work on it now. I don't have anything now." He started walking back towards the store.

Once we got back to the practice room and sat down at the piano, I asked him a question. "So...are you taking anyone else to the afterparty?"

His eyes were fixed on a spot above the piano keys. "No, just you."

"Is anyone else going to the awards show? Like Trish and Dez?" Honestly, they deserved to be there, even if all Trish did was try to get Austin out of trouble and all Dez did was get in the trouble, but we were a team.

"Maybe Dez. And Trish. I don't know." His eyes shifted from the piano to the wall. "What kind of song do you wanna write?"

"Oh, yeah, right, the song. Um, how about you just do "Don't Look Down" or something like that again? Forget about writing a new song. So let's catch up. What's going on in your life?" I blabbed, unable to stop.

"Um, nothing much. But I had this idea for a new song, it's not exactly a love song but it's sorta like one-" He played a few chords on the piano. It really did sound good, considering that Austin wrote it himself, but I didn't care.

"That's nice. But um, so, you haven't been hanging out with Dez? Or, I don't know, maybe Kira or that European model girl?"

Austin played a couple more chords. "Nah. That European girl isn't really my type. So, anyways, I'm not all that good at you have anything? I mean, I like what I've got so far but do you got anything else?" He played some notes for me. It was really coming together, the song.

I sighed. "Alright, let's work on the song. Maybe if you put it in a major key it'd sound better." I demonstrated for him. 

He smiled. "Yeah, that sounds cool." He tried playing it.

I shook my head. "No, no, no." I put Austin's pointer finger on a black key and his ring finger on the white one next to it. "Like that." Austin smiled. 

"Okay," he said. "Like this?" He played the chord again, with the fingerings I told him. 

"Yeah!" I said. "Okay, now just play that and your other chords."

He did, and it sounded amazing. How Austin wrote that, the world may never know. But it was great, really.

We worked on the song for another few hours. I don't what about it made me think this, but it sounded really familiar, like I heard it before.

And it wasn't until I figured that it sounded a lot like "Steal Your Heart" mixed with "You Can Come To Me" that I remembered Austin had smiled when I placed his fingers on the right keys.

Trish was gonna freak out.

Austin's P.O.V.

"NO!" I yelled loudly. "No, I will not wear your dad's aluminum suit to the music awards," I shouted at Dez. "It looks ridiculous." It did. The whole thing was a reflective silver and it crinkled every time I moved.

Dez looked at me, offended. "Well! I'm telling my dad you said that. Okay, how about this one," he said, pulling out a bright orange and green jumpsuit with a pair of - surprise, surprise - electric blue suspenders. "Doesn't it look great? I made it myself," he said proudly.

"Who would've guessed?" I muttered. I pulled on the outfit, which looked like Jean Paul Paul Jean had gone through a painting phase and threw all his ugly pastel colors on the shirt. In comparison, the aluminum foil suit looked like a designer piece.

"I'll take the other one," I said hurriedly. "Tell your dad I love it."

Dez grinned. "Ah, I knew you'd come through, buddy," he said, opening his arms for a hug.

"It's okay," I said, dodging his arms. "I really should be getting home. My mom's gonna get worried."

When I got home, I wondered why I had agreed to wearing such a weird costume when I could've just ran off like that in the first place.

I hung up the shiny outfit in my closet, choosing a wonderful place in the back for it. "I'll burn you as soon as I get the chance," I said to it.

Then I shut the closet door and went back to work on the song.

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