Chapter Thirteen

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This is it, peoples....the ending, yeah? I think it is. It gets all mushy. Pardon me for that. :)


Austin's P.O.V.

I stumbled to my dressing room. It was late; no, it was very late. I yawned.

The dressing room door had been left ajar, but I didn't take it into consideration. I was too tired to do anything but sleep.

I collapsed on the couch. Something beneath me made a crinkling noise. Curious, I sat up and felt around the cushions. A tiny sheet of tissue paper was what I had sat on.

Vaguely, I remembered placing the same paper in Ally's dressing room. Ally. Ally!

I stopped being so tired and delicately opened up the crumpled ball of paper. On one side, I read my own hastily-scrawled note. Then I flipped to the other side.

Written neatly in perfect calligraphy were ten tiny marks - just big enough for my drowsy eyes to decipher. Sure xx Ally

What? screamed my brain. What was that supposed to mean? Yes, no? I scanned my own note. I never said anything like, "Will you be my girlfriend?" or  "Wanna go on a date?" Sure. Dang, I hoped that meant yes - to both of those questions.

I hurriedly thought back to the gala itself. Did I ask her to be my girlfriend then? Did I? I couldn't remember.

Sighing, I flopped down on the couch. I was way too tired to drive myself home and all of my possible rides were already gone. I could just spend the night here, and in the morning, I'd go ask Ally. No big deal.

I yelled at myself again. No big deal? I wanted this girl to be my girlfriend, and I was pretty sure she'd said yes, but no matter what her answer was, it was a big deal. It meant whether or not the prettiest, smartest, nicest girl I'd ever met was mine or not.

Not to be possessive or anything.

I rubbed my eyes. It was too early in the morning for me to be lecturing my thoughts. I checked for a clock. There was one on the wall that said 2:24 AM.

Late. I laid down on the couch again and shut my eyes. My head would clear with some sleep and I'd be able to find things out for certain.

I fell asleep thinking of Ally. Sure.

Ally's P.O.V.

I ran down the stairs from the practice room to the store. "Where's Austin?" I asked no one. Of course, no one replied.

"Austin?" I called out. I couldn't understand why I was so worried. He was probably at his house or something. But my short message had gotten the better of me. Would he be creeped out? Or just be happy? I had to find out.

My dad walked up to me. "Ally? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I said, hoping he'd buy it. "Just, um, can I go out for a while?"

He nodded. "Of course! With your performance last night, the sales should be huge." He smiled cheerfully.

I gave him a quick hug and darted out the door. I didn't know where Austin would be, so I decided to take my car.

When I reached his house, his car wasn't in the driveway like normal. I knocked on the door. Mimi answered.

"Hello, Ally," she greeted warmly. "Looking for Austin?"

"Yeah," I answered. "Do you know where he is?"

"He called late last night to say he'd be staying at the arena where the gala was. Why?"

I grinned, thanking her. "Just wondering. Bye, Mrs. Moon!" I left, starting up my car again and driving as fast as I could - though staying in the speed limit - to the arena.

It was early enough so that only a stage manager and a couple of janitors were there. I rushed past them, trying to locate Austin's dressing room. It was a few doors down from mine.

I opened the one with MOON written on a sign in golden letters, hanging on the door. "Austin?" I asked quietly.

Pushing the door open a bit further, I discovered he was still sleeping. He snored a little, turning on his back but not waking up.

Deciding to let him sleep, I went to go find some food. He'd be hungry when he woke up, and I hadn't eaten breakfast either. Just when I was about to leave, though, he groggily opened one eye.

"Ally?" he muttered sleepily.

"Good morning," I said, patting his head. It was messy and tangled, but I didn't care.

"Good morning," he replied, opening the other eye.

"Uh, hey," I said awkwardly. I didn't really plan anything out when I came over here.

"I - read your note," he said, still half-sleeping. "What'd you mean?"

"Um, yes?" I said, fumbling over two simple words.

Austin smiled. He sat up, combing out his hair with his fingers. "Cool. Like yes, you'll be my girlfriend?"

It was happening way to easily. I nodded timidly. "Um, yeah, sure. Like, I, um, like you."

"Like like me," he corrected. "Like is just for friends. But you wanna be my girlfriend, right?"

I nodded dumbly. "Yeah."

Austin stood. He smoothed out the wrinkles in his clothes and held out his hand. "Ally Dawson, would you like to go out on a date with me?"

I took it. "Any day, Austin Moon."

He winked, causing me to blush. "Where should we go?"

I pondered over it. A date, at 9 in the morning. Where could we go? "Sonic Boom," I decided. "To write a new song."

"Why not?" Austin smiled. "You're my girlfriend now. Ally Dawson's my girlfriend!" he announced.

To write a new song, like the start of our new relationship. A re-relationship, but I didn't care. It was all just so perfect and simple. Nothing big and spectacular, just mutual agreement. I lightly swung our intertwined hands back and forth.

"Austin Moon's my boyfriend," I sang. "And I'm his girlfriend."

He laughed, opening up the car door for me. "Let's take mine," he said. "We can come get yours later."

I nodded, not really caring. It was a car, I could always retrieve it back. Austin Moon was more important.

When we got to Sonic Boom, we didn't really write a new song, just played some old ones. "What's your favorite out of all the ones we've written?" I asked him, tapping out some random chords.

He thought about it. "No Ordinary Day," he finally said.

I chuckled. "It wasn't an ordinary day when I met you," I stated.


"You were playing the drums with corndogs and you gave me a pair of dentures," I recalled, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Hey," he protested. "If I hadn't done that, we wouldn't have met, I wouldn't have gotten famous, and I wouldn't have needed a songwriter."

I gave him a half-smile. He returned it.

Austin picked up my hand and folded it into his. "But I do now, don't I?" His head rested on mine, which was still on his shoulder. "And I always will."

{The End}

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