The Key chain~Chapter 3

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With one swing of her yoyo, Ladybug landed gracefully on the terrace of her home. The sun was hanging low in the sky indicating it was late afternoon. Her eyes wandered over to the park as children were beginning their descent back to their homes. Chat Noir had not yet arrived, which gave Lady plenty of time to retrieve her present from her desk. She was thankful to see it was right where she had left it. As she traced the outline of the ribbon with her fingertip she grinned in anticipation for Chat to see what it was. However doubt began to plague her mind. What if he didn't like it as much as she did? She shook her head and reassured herself. Of course he's going to like it. Ladybug returned to the balcony to see Chat bouncing from one rooftop to another.

With her present in one hand, Ladybug swung her yoyo and landed in front of a park bench. As expected Chat arrived right after she did landing swiftly in front of her. "You requested my presence My Lady" Chat greeted with a bow as he looked up at ladybug with a wink. Ladybug gave him a small shove and smiled. "Chat I just wanted to thank you for being my partner in fighting crime this past year. Although at times it didn't seem like it, seeing you was a joy especially on the days that I felt couldn't get any worse. You were always able to cheer me up even if you didn't know that I was down." Ladybug began with her eyes refusing to meet his. "So I got you this." She said handing him the present.  "I know we said we wouldn't make a big deal out of this anniversary but I thought a small present would be able to show my gratitude." Chat looked surprised at first and didn't know how to react. After a second he began to open the present with a smile.He removed the lid of the red box and was faced with a key chain.

On one side it has an image of a black cat and on the other side was a ladybug. the metal key chain spun within another circle of metal. Chat was overjoyed that Lady would go to such lengths to thank him. Although it was a small gift it was noticeable that it was customised. He wished he had gotten Ladybug something but he knew just obeying her wishes about the anniversary was enough to show her how much he cared. Before she could say anything else, Chat hugged her tight. "Thank you my Lady. No one has ever done this sort of thing for me." Chat said earnestly. Ladybug returned his hug with a smile and couldn't help her curiosity. "What sort of thing Chat?" She said leaning into the hug. "Showing how much they care." This caused Ladybug a squeezing pain in her stomach and she wondered what kind of life Chat had behind his mask.

* * *

"This was the day". Marinette had declared in her room. "I'm going to tell him today no matter how hard it is to formulate a sentence." She thought for a second how easy it was to talk to Chat. "Maybe I should pretend that Adrien is Chat to be able to talk like a normal person." She paused for a second. "I can't believe I just said that." Why would she want to imagine her crush as the flirtatious Chat Noir. Her thoughts drifted back to last night. "Showing how much they care". He had said it so honestly Marinette almost forgot it was Chat Noir who was talking. "You can do it Marinette! Remember i'll be here the whole time cheering you on" Her kwami, Tikki stated from her little spot on the desk. Marinette smiled at her determinedly.

* * *

Marinette despite her efforts arrived at school late as usual. "I guess i'll just have to tell him this afternoon" She said quietly to Tikki.

* * *

It was the afternoon and as usual Adrien had a photoshoot. As Adrien put a book in his bag he couldn't help but stare at the keychain his Lady had given to him. "I can't believe how easy it is to open up to her." Adrien thought to himself.  Marinette rushed out of the classroom in hopes of catching up to Adrien. "Adrien!" Marinette called out. Adrien who was a few steps in front of her slowed down so she could catch up. "Hey Marinette." "H-hi Adrien." It was now or never. Marinette swallowed a deep breathe. Just as her eyes saw a familiar keychain hanging from his bag. Her eyes widened in shock. Oh My Gosh. This was all she could manage to think. Adrien saw the shocked look on her face. "What is it Marinette are you alright?" Adrien had stopped walking and peered into Marinette's face. "You're Chat Noir!" Marinette finally managed to get out. Now it was Adrien's turn to be shocked.

~A Note

What a cliffhanger! Wow O.O But don't worry because i'll be updating tomorrow. ^_^

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