"Inseparable" ~Chapter 8

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Marinette's eyes fluttered open to the enchanting night sky. 'Oh I must've dosed off' She thought to herself. She glanced up at Adrien. He was asleep with his blonde fringe covering his eyes. Her stomach turned and she smiled. "He's so cute" She whispered as she gently moved his hair out of his eyes. This was her Adrien and he was defenceless. She traced his features lightly with her finger. Oh how much she wanted to laugh. Just then his hand grabbed hers and his eyes opened. "My Lady it isn't right to play with someone's face while they are asleep." He said with a cheeky smile. Marinette smiled back. "Hi" She said. Adrien smiled at her. He was still holding her hand. He glanced at it and intertwined his fingers with hers. He gave her his winning smile and she couldn't stop laughing. She was so happy and Adrien couldn't take his eyes off her. Eventually they were just staring into each other eyes. Marinette's laugh turned into a smile. They both began to lean in as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Their eyes shut and just when they were about kiss a loud bang was heard and multiple car alarms sounded. They both jerked back. "Unbelievable!" Adrien yelled. Marinette was laughing at his outburst so to cheer him up she put her hand on his face and kissed his cheek. He immediately went red and smiled at her. Before he could say anything else another bang was heard and multiple screams pierced the air. Neither of them needed to say it they both immediately transformed and dashed out of the secret garden.

Above them was a girl with white hair. She was dressed in a white suit and was holding glowing whips with spikes coming out of them. She laughed wickedly and disappeared into a light which exploded. She reappeared laughing even harder. "Chat! She's manipulating electricity. Those whips she's holding they're electricity." Chat looked around. "Do you have a plan?" Marinette thought to herself for a moment and saw a hose. "Water!" She exclaimed. "Electricity and water do not go." Just then the girl had spotted them. She smiled to herself and began to move towards them. She saw them looking at the hose. "Oh I see what you are trying to do!" She immediately summoned electricity and directed it at the hose. Chat stared at it "Plan B?" He said looking at Ladybug. She thought about her Yoyo but if she is using electricity she could very well destroy it. "I want your miraculous we can do this the easy way or the hard way." She said with a giggle. Chat and Ladybug glanced at each other and smiled. They both broke out into a run in the opposite directions.

They both know not to let her touch their equipment and they needed to buy some time. Chat is always the distraction while Marinette activates her lucky charm it's how it always works. "Lucky charm." She yelled and immediately string fell in front of her. "String? But this is made of something different." She felt the material. "Rubber she exclaimed!" 'Rubber is an insulator of electricity which means I can tie her up and she can't destroy the string.' She thought to herself. She ran back outside when her evil voice sounded. "Enough of this Kitty." She summoned a big ball of electricity and was about to throw it towards Chat. It all happened so fast to Marinette. She threw one end of the string toward the girl and it wrapped around her legs but not before she threw the ball of electricity to where Chat was running. Marinette remembers hearing screaming before she turned back to the girl. Oh boy she was going to pay for that. She pulled her towards the ground with the string and wrapped her entire body in the string. She grabbed the wire she was holding out of the girls hand twisted it till she could pull it apart and cleansed the Akuma. She looked at who was behind the mask and of course it was her, after all who else could cause so much damage. "Chloe" Marinette spat her name. "Ladybug!" she exclaimed "What Happened? Where am I? I demand to know now!" "Go home Chloe you've done enough." Marinette began to turn around. "No tell me now!" "You wanna know what happened Chloe! You happened you were under and Akuma's powers and you destroyed everything with electricity and I don't know if I can fix it!" Chloe glared at Ladybug she knew Ladybug doesn't usually lecture those who are under the influence of Hawk Moth.

She glanced behind Ladybug and her eyes went wide. She looked at Ladybug and ran. Ladybug watched her go and immediately ran over to Chat who was slumped against a wall. "Chat? Can you hear me? I'm going to try and use my powers of cure now but I don't know if it's going to work." Marinette looked down. No one had ever been hurt from the Akuma's. They had been hypnotised, trapped, blown away but never damaged to the point of death. "Miraculous powers of cure." Marinette yelled immediately everything went back to normal. She turned to face Chat Noir. Her face fell. He was still slumped against the wall. Nothing had changed. She rushed to Chat's side. "Chat can you hear me?" No response. Marinette couldn't leave him here people are going to be coming over and asking questions. She grabbed his arm and put over her shoulder. He was still hurt but at least the powers of cure got rid of an excess charge. Marinette helped him to their secret garden and laid him on the grass. "Chat I swear if you are joking this isn't funny!" Marinette watched as his chest rose and fell. She lay down next to him and put her head on his chest. The sound of his heart beat reassured her he was fine. But then why wasn't he waking up? She heard a beeping sound and allowed her transformation to wear off. Tikki flew next to her and gasped. "I don't know what to do Tikki!" Tears started to fall from Marinette's eyes as she hugged her knees. "I think he's just unconscious he'll wake up soon." Tikki assured her. Just then her phone started ringing. It was her mother. Marinette glanced at the time and her eye's widened. She hadn't been home once and it was 1am. She dried her eyes and tried to talk normal. "Hi mama". "Marinette do you know what time it is?" Her mother exclaimed over the phone. "Mum I'm so sorry I fell asleep in the library. I just have to finish this last bit of homework and I'll be home soon!" "Fine but you better be here soon." "Bye". Marinette hung up the phone and sighed. "What am I going to do?" She said mainly to herself. She looked down at her unconscious boyfriend it hurt her so much seeing him like that. She kneeled next to him looking for any sign that he would wake up. She heard more beeping and he transformed back into Adrien. Marinette still had tears falling from her face. She hugged her knees and hid her face.

~A Note

Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was very interesting to write! I look forward to hearing your feedback ;) As always have a lovely day.

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