Darkness ~Chapter 11

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Adrien opens his eyes but he doesn't hurry to get up. Thunder can be heard in the distance but it doesn't register in his ears. He stares at the ceiling. A part of him hopes to hear Plagg's annoying whining. Oh how much he would give to hear it. But everything is silent. His room is dark with droplets hopelessly sliding down his window. It's funny how the best day of his life turned into the worst. He went on the perfect date with Marinette, they had their first kiss. But he guessed that there was no such thing as perfect. Of course there would be a price for this new form of happiness he had come to know. In this case it was Plagg and the ability to become Chat Noir. But now Chat Noir is dead and so is Plagg. All there is or ever will be is rain and darkness. He was dreading telling Marinette. She felt so much guilt for the bruise he had gotten, how was she going to cope with this news? She was going to think it's her fault... But it wasn't, it was Chloe's fault.  Anger started to overwhelm Adrien but he forced himself to take calming breaths. He had to act natural today. He just had to.

* * *

Adrien dragged himself through the rain and through the doors of his high school. How much he didn't want to be there. He walked with his head down and eyes on the ground. 'Yeah this is what you call natural' he said sarcastically to himself, yet he couldn't stop himself from acting that way. "Hey Adrien" he heard someone familiar say but to him he sounded so far away. He just kept walking. It didn't matter anyway.

He shoved his stuff into his locker and went to check his bag. It was a habit now to check in on his little buddy at his locker but all he saw were his books. He sighed and closed his locker door.  His feet refused to move and he just stood there. Marinette would be in that classroom and their friends. What's worse is as a "subtle" way of making Marinette and Adrien closer, Alya and Nino "casually" moved seats so the couple would be sitting together. Nino and Alya in the front row and Marinette and Adrien in the back. There would be no way to avoid her. The bell rang and he began to trudge back to the classroom. He walked in and glanced up. Everyone was talking and chattering. 'The rain must be causing traffic for the teacher' he thought. Up the two steps and to his right, he walked. He didn't look at her and just started to take his books out of his bag. "Hi Adrien" Marinette said trying to look at his face. "Hi" he said back quietly. He refused to look up. "Is everything okay?" He stopped and looked up at her. He didn't mean to but his look gave everything away. She could tell something terrible had happened. "I'll tell you later" Adrien said once again looking down and sorting his supplies. Alya and Nino glanced up and gave Marinette a questioning look. Marinette gave shook her head and waved her hand in a way to tell them she would handle it. They both nodded and turned around resuming their conversation. Adrien's eyes wandered over to Chloe. Marinette following his gaze. He could not stop glaring at Chloe and focused all his frustration into his hand that was holding a pencil.

Eventually that pencil snapped in half and so did Adrien. He slammed his hand on the table in front of him and everyone immediately went quiet and stared at him. By this moment he was huffing and puffing. Marinette immediately grabbed his arm and stood him up leading him out the door. "Don't worry everyone he's just practicing for this modelling shoot he's got coming up nothing to worry about" She assured her class. She shut the door and walked him down the corridor enough so her class couldn't see them through the glass window. She stopped and sighed. She turned to Adrien. "What's wrong?" She asked Adrien with a soft voice. He stared at the ground. "Adrien?" Something warm was dripping down his face. Suddenly he was enveloped in Marinette's warmth. He leaned his head down on her shoulder. "You don't have to tell me but whatever it is you don't have to go through it alone. You've got me and I've got your back. You can tell me anything Adrien." He squeezed her tighter. "I can't tell you. I just physically can't tell you....." Adrien's voice went quiet. "If I tell you that means this is all real." Marinette didn't know how to respond. They stood there for a while.

Adrien refused to let her go. "Please Adrien. I want to help you." Marinette started to cry. "Please just tell me how I can help you." Marinette's voice cracked and Adrien came to his senses. "You can help me by doing one thing." "I'll do anything Adrien." "You cannot blame yourself. I know you and I swear if you do-" "I-i won't." "Marinette." She pulled away so she could stare at his tear streaked face. "If it will help you then I will not blame myself...no matter how bad it is." Adrien stared skeptically at Marinette. Even in this situation he couldn't believe his overwhelming love for her. He looked down. He took a deep breath. "Plagg's dead." He heard Marinette gasp. Her hands covering her mouth. "He took control when the electricity hit and made sure it hit the ring instead. He risked his life for me and he paid the price. "Marinette couldn't believe it. This was all her fault. No!  She stopped those thoughts she had promised Adrien. She wasn't going to blame herself. This is not her fault. "Is that why you were glaring at Chloe?" "If it weren't for her Plagg would still be here." Adrien said with hatred in his voice. Now it all made sense. He was glaring at Chloe because it was her fault. She didn't do it consciously but it was her hands that killed Plagg. She murdered Chat Noir. Marinette stopped to think. "Adrien, I know how much you're wanting to blame someone now but that's not the answer and Plagg wouldn't want you to." "You don't know that." He said quietly. This did not sound like her Adrien. "You know what he would say? He would say 'c'mon let's go eat some cheese and be done with this'" Marinette said with a smile. Adrien looked up and sighed. "You're right...like always." "It's going to take a little while but one day you will adjust and I'll be there the whole way." Adrien smiled and kissed Marinette's forehead. She held Adrien's hand and led him back to class. It still hurt but with Marinette's help Adrien knew things would get better. As he stared out the window he noticed a ray of sunshine peeking through the grey clouds.

~A note

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter. So 2 Chapters ago I said there would only be 2 more chapters well instead of 2 its 3. It's been a lot of fun writing this fanfic however it is coming to an end. The next chapter will be the last. Have a lovely day ^_^

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