Hey guys :) I'm really sorry it's been this long since I updated. I just have been so busy with work and school and I wanted to focus on getting good grades in school. Anyways, I am now on break. So hopefully I can write more and more. Thank you for the amazing reviews on this story, it means SO MUCH. Please give me feedback.
"Er, are you ready yet?" Jay Halstead asked from the bedroom. He was already dressed in a suit, ready to go. Halstead wanted to treat his girlfriend to a nice restaurant since he was leaving for six months and they were going to be apart. He didn't want to leave her, he enjoyed the memories that they created those few months since they had gotten back together. He had missed her so much, and now he was going to miss her more. He didn't know how to feel about that. All he knew that Erin Lindsay was the one for him. The one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, the one who he wanted to have kids with. He told himself that after he returns from the tour, he is going to ask Erin Lindsay to marry him.
"Almost, one second." Erin called out from the bathroom. Halstead laughed and decided to start packing as he was waiting. He grabbed the duffle bag from the closet, and started going through his clothes.
Ten minutes later Erin came out ready to leave, only to find her boyfriend packing for his tour. She grabbed the clothes out of his hands. "Jay. Can we please focus on us today and not even mention that you're leaving in 2 days. Please"
"Who told you to take so long getting ready." Jay smirked.
"Well I wanted to look good for you tonight." Erin smirked.
"You do look beautiful. Well, you always do to me, Er." Jay said as he wrapped his arms around her and crashed his lips against hers.
"You look really handsome tonight." She said as she hugged him tighter.
"C'mon let's go before we miss our reservation." Jay said as he quickly kissed the top of her head and walked to the other side of the room to grab his phone and wallet.
"Thank you for tonight." Erin said staring at her partner as he drove the car.
"Thank you for letting me drive tonight." Jay smirked as he turned to Erin. Erin loved the Halstead smile; it warmed her heart.
"Don't get used to it." She smirked at him. "Seriously, Jay. Tonight was beautiful. Thank you for making me feel like this. I haven't been this happy in a long time, so thank you."
"Always, Er." Jay said as he stared into her eyes and admired the beautiful woman sitting next to him.
He interlocked his hand with hers. He brought her hand up and kissed it. "You make me happy, Erin. Thank you for giving us another shot. Remember that day in the locker room when I told you that having each other's back is enough for that moment?"
She nodded as the memory entered her mind. She hated herself for hurting him like that. She put her job and her relationship with Hank in front of the love of her life. Although she still cares what Hank thinks, it was not the right decision on her part. Halstead cared about her so much and she did not even give him the chance to care about her. She broke up with him when it got too hard for her and she wished she could go back and stand up to Voight.
"Voight knows." Jay Halstead said as he entered the locker room and joined Erin Lindsay by her locker.
"I know." Erin said.
"For the record, I don't care. I told you we should come clean from the beginning and I am going to talk to him right now."
"Jay." Erin stopped him. "You know this is different for me."

Coming Home
FanfictionTwo weeks after Jay Halstead is drafted once again, Erin Lindsay discovers unexpected news. But will Jay be back to be there for her? (Takes place during season 3)