I am so sorry this chapter took so long, I was having extreme writer's block on top of a busy schedule with school and work. I'm off school for the summer, so I have more time to invest in writing, so I will try to update more frequently. Thank you so much for being patient, I am so sorry. Hope you guys like this chapter, I'm not that good at the war stuff, there isn't much in this chapter, but bear with me on those parts. Jay will be coming back soon, I promise :) If you have any suggestions, let me know. Thank you so much for reading this story.
I cannot wait for the next 3 eps of CPD. They look so intense. If anyone has predictions for the rest of the season (especially Linstead) private message me or review, I would love to hear your thoughts.
(Flashbacks are in italics)
Hope you guys enjoy, I wrote this in a short time span and I really wanted to get a chapter out to you guys. Please don't forget to review, the reviews are what keeps me writing, so please leave me feedback :)
"Halstead!" Trey Davis, a soldier, yelled as he pulled Jay Halstead out of the line of fire, into a safer location, as they continued walking.
"We just left him there to get kidnapped man. What are we supposed to do now?" Jay cried.
"We didn't have a choice. We would have all been dead if we stayed behind."
"He's our friend, Trey." Jay exclaimed.
"We can extend our mission in search for him, if that's what you want."
"Yeah, we need to find him." Halstead said as he headed back to their site, determined to figure out a plan to get his friend back from their enemy. If anything happened to his friend, it would be on him; he would never forgive himself.
"Will." Erin said as she gently shook Halstead's bed. She was seated at the end of his bed, one hand on the soft swell of her stomach, the other "Will."
Halstead didn't even move an inch, he was knocked out cold.
Lindsay decided to raise her voice even louder to finally get his attention. "Will. Halstead."
Will got startled and said. "Huh, I'm up. Erin, you okay?"
"Chill out, I'm fine." Erin smirked. "I'm just hungry. These babies are hungry."
"What time is it?" Will said rubbing his eyes as he reached for his phone on the nightstand. "It's 2:30 in the morning, what are you doing up."
"These babies are kicking like crazy." Erin said as she held her belly. "And they're hungry."
"Okay, I'll make you something." Will said as he slowly got up and headed to the kitchen.
Erin followed soon thereafter. "I was sorta thinking you can go get me a milkshake and some fries from Chick-fil-A?"
"At this time?" Will asked confused.
"C'mon, Will. You're the one that said you're going to help satisfy my mid-night cravings when you moved in here."
He sighed. "Okay. I'll be right back, let me go get dressed."
Erin smiled and went to sit on the couch to watch some tv. "Thanks, Halstead."
"Yeah, yeah." Halstead waved off as he went back into his bedroom.
"Alright, enjoy these." Will said handing the bag to her. "I'm going off to bed, early shift. You know, these little ones are going to be little heartbreakers for all of us." Will put his hand on her expanding stomach. "Stop kicking your mom, little Halsteads. You are driving her crazy."

Coming Home
FanfictionTwo weeks after Jay Halstead is drafted once again, Erin Lindsay discovers unexpected news. But will Jay be back to be there for her? (Takes place during season 3)