Chapter 12

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"Erin, you have to stay here with me. Please, baby." Jay pleaded as tears continued to stream down his face, as his hand stayed glued to hers as the ambulance sped off to Chicago Med.

"Jay, Erin will be okay. Trust me." Will said trying to sound as confident as possible in their current situation. He had joined them in the ambulance so he can be there when they arrive at the hospital.

The ambulance didn't reach the hospital fast enough for Halstead's liking. He was at the point of hyperventilation, as the doors of the ambulance flew open and two doctors stormed in to transport Erin's lifeless body onto a hospital bed.

Everything in Jay's mind was a blur. They all moved around him too fast for him to even comprehend what was going on. Next thing he knew, he was left alone in the waiting room full of strangers. He found a corner, sunk down against the wall and poured his eyes out.

He didn't know how much time passed before Dr. Charles stood above him, and put his hand on his shoulder.

Halstead didn't know how long he had been seated there when Will finally came into the waiting room with a scared expression on his face.

"Will..." Jay cautiously said as he bolted up from his seat.

Will shook his head at his brother, and Jay knew that nothing would be the same again.

"What happened?" Jay screamed, the whole waiting room had their eyes on the two brothers.

"We lost them. We couldn't save the babies, Jay. I'm so sorry." Will said as tears formed in his eyes.

"" Jay said as he cried. "I just found out about them. Why? How? Will?" His whole world came crumbling down in less than 12 hours.

"I'm so sorry, Jay." Will said as he pulled his brother into a tight hug as they both cried for the loss of their family.

"This is all my fault." Jay said. "If I had saved him.."

"Jay, this isn't your fault. Right now that doesn't even matter. Erin is the only thing that matters now." Will said looking into his brother's eyes.

"How is Erin?" Jay cautiously asked.

"She's conscious. She's going to need you, Jay, more than you'll ever know." Will said. "Get yourself together, and I'll take you to her."

Jay nodded and wiped his tears. He needed to be strong because no matter what he felt, Erin was the one that carried their babies in her for the past six months. He needed to be there for her, she needed him more at that moment.

Jay cautiously entered Lindsay's hospital room. He had no idea what he was going to say. Erin Lindsay had gathered herself in a ball, facing the wall as she sobbed. Jay Halstead had never seen his girlfriend this emotional in his life, and his heart broke. She was broken and he had no idea how he was going to mend her heart, when he didn't even know if his was mendable.

"Hi." Jay said as he cautiously approached her with red, teary eyes.

She turned around and saw her partner, her best friend, the only man she had ever loved. She saw the tears in his eyes, and her own heart broke more than it had already.

"Jay.." She said as her sobs increased, as Jay approached her. "I'm so sorry."

"Hey, I should be the one apologizing. If I had saved Hetty this would not have happened. I'm so sorry, baby." Jay said as he grazed her cheek.

"It's not your fault, Jay." She moved aside to make room for him and patted the bed asking for him to join her.

"I don't want to hurt you." Jay pleaded looking into her eyes.

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