Chapter 6

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Sorry for the delay, I've had a lot of stuff going on. Thank you for the amazing comments, it's overwhelming and I love that you all are loving the story. It really means a lot as a writer, so thank you :) I hope you guys enjoy this. I will try to update more often.

"Okay, I'll tell him. But promise me something."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Jay doesn't find out, until he gets back." Erin said.

"Erin, he deserves to know." Will knew how happy his brother would be and he thought Jay needed to know.

"I don't want him to worry about me. Will, he has enough to worry about."

"Erin, he'll be happy. Give him that joy."

"I know he will, but I can't burden him with this when he's at war. We are all he's going to think about, but he needs to come home safely, Will. We need him to come home safely. When he comes home, I'll tell him." She put her hand on her flat stomach.

Will Halstead took a deep breath and thought about what Lindsay said about Jay learning the truth. He started to see why she wanted it this way. Maybe Erin was right, Jay would be distracted and the last thing he wants to see his brother dead. The last thing he wants is for Erin to lose Jay and leave their child fatherless. Jay and Erin needed each other.

"It's your decision, but think about it," Will finally compromised.

"Okay." Erin replied.

"I'm going to make you an appointment at the OBGYN for tomorrow. I'll text you the details and will meet you there."

"Meet me there?" Erin asked confused.

"Did you think I'm going to let you go through this pregnancy alone? My brother's not here, so for the time being I need to step up."

"Will.." Erin began. "You don't need to do that. I'll be fine."

"I want to." Will said.

"I can't deal with all of this right now." Erin said grabbing her stuff and heading towards the door.

"You can't run from this Erin" Will's voice stopped Erin in her tracks.

Erin realized she had just been pushing the feelings away. Although it seemed like a blessing, Erin needed to process what it meant for her. She would have to give up her job at least for a year, possibly more. She would have to take care of a human being, a newborn. She listened to Will's kind words, but was she really ready? Could she really handle being a mother? Could she handle giving up her job? What about Jay? She knew he would be thrilled, but wasn't it too early in their relationship? Sure they were completely in love, and have always been, but bringing a baby in the picture? And what if something happened to Jay while he was at war?

Erin Lindsay never cries, but tears started to form in her eyes as these questions stormed in her mind. She quickly wiped them away so Will wouldn't see them.

She turned around to face him. "I know, okay? I understand this is a baby were talking about." She put her hand on her stomach. "My baby, mine and Jay's baby. Don't you think I know that? I just need to process all this, okay? I need to figure out what that means for me. I didn't plan this, Will. I never wanted kids. I know Jay does and I respect that, I want to give him that, but it was something we were supposed to discuss together along the road, with him here. But, he's not here is he? Now, I have to figure out what this means by myself." Erin Lindsay has never felt this vulnerable. She always could take care of herself, but with the pregnancy she was scared.

"Erin, I know this a lot to take in. But, you are most definitely not alone. I'll be here for you, always. And I know you can handle a baby, Erin. You're strong enough, I know it."

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