Hey guys :) I wanted to speed the chapters up a little so Jay can come home sooner. This is two months after the previous chapter.
Thank you so much for the reviews from the last chapter. I am so thrilled you guys like this story and where I am taking it. Keep up with the reviews and suggestions, they really motivate me. And don't hesitate to PM me suggestions or anything you would like to talk about. Let me know what you think of this chapter!
A/N: Who else is really pissed about where CPD writers are taking Linstead? Honestly I am livid at this point. Erin was going through hell in the crossover episode, and they didn't even have Jay by her side. It honestly pissed me off. I miss Linstead so much and they keep pushing them farther apart and then the lawyer comes in. LIKE WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THIS PRECIOUS COUPLE. Let me know what you think.
"Hey." Will yelled from the living room as Erin walked through the front door.
"So you're officially moved in." Erin said as she put her bag down on the kitchen counter and entered the living room. Erin was out with Burgess, as Will brought the last of his stuff into her apartment.
Those past two months had been eventful for Erin Lindsay. She missed being out on the field. She absolutely hated being stuck behind a desk all day. She was going stir crazy and the whole team realized it.
Although, she just started noticeably showing, it was harder and harder to hide her pregnancy from Jay. Her morning sickness had subsided for the most part, but she occasionally had to run to the bathroom to empty the contents of her stomach. She unintentionally distanced herself from Jay, and he knew something was going on, but he didn't want to push her. Jay knew how hard it was for her only seeing him through video chat while he was fighting for his life at war.
Voight and the rest of the team had been there for her throughout those months. Once she told her team, every single one of them were thrilled for her and supported her.
"Before we start our next case, I have an announcement to make." Voight said. Everyone looked up as they were seated at their designated desks, while Erin Lindsay was standing by Voight. "Erin's not going to be out in the field with us anymore. She will be on desk duty for the next few months. Roman is taking her spot."
Everyone glanced at Erin expecting her to explain why she won't be in Intelligence anymore.
"I just found out I'm pregnant. Voight and I think it's for the best if I'm not on the field."
"Of course it is for the best." Antonio was the first one up. He wrapped his arms around her. "Congrats, kid. You're going to be great at this. Halstead's going to be thrilled."
The team was shocked, but thrilled for her and Halstead. The rest of the team got up and one-by-one gave her a hug.
"Congratulations, Erin. I'm so excited for you and Jay." Burgess said as she hugged her friend and colleague.
"Thank you guys." Erin smiled at her family. "I have a favor to ask you all. When you speak to Jay, please don't tell him."
"You're not telling him?" Ruzek asked.
"Not yet. I need him to come home safely and I will tell him. So please Ruzek, keep your mouth shut." She raised her eyebrow at him.
"C'mon Lins, why are you only talking to me?"
"Because we all know you'll spill like a teenage girl with a crush on a boy." Atwater said as he tapped Ruzek's chest. Ruzek rolled his eyes and walked back to his desk.
"Hey I gave you more than two months of independence, now my lease is officially up."
"Wow how generous of you, Will." She said.
"Wow." Will said amazed as he looked at her stomach.
"What?" Erin was confused.
"You've officially popped." He said pointing to her stomach. "You're really showing."
"Yeah." She sighed and put her hand on her stomach as tears formed in her eyes. Her hormones were all over the place and it was driving her insane.
"You okay?" Will asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" Erin said trying to hide the sadness in her voice and walking into the living room.
"I've learned a lot about you these past few months since Jay introduced me to you, Erin. I know when you're lying."
"I'm okay, Will."
"Is this about Jay?"
Erin continued her protective hold over her stomach. "He's supposed to be here, you know? He's supposed to be here for these moments. He's supposed to be here with me throughout this pregnancy. I just...I miss him. I wish he was here with us."
"Erin." Will said sympathetically. He decreased the distance between the two and wrapped his arms around him. He didn't know what to say that will make her feel better. The truth was nothing could bring Jay home from the army earlier than anticipated.
She lightly cried into his chest.
"I miss him too. He'll be home sooner than we know it." Will reassured.
She looked up into his eyes and nodded. "I'm sorry for getting like this. I'm never like this. It must be my damn hormones that are all messed up."
"Erin, you need to stop apologizing, especially for showing emotion. I'm a doctor, I know what pregnancy can do to someone's emotions. I think I learned more from Nat's mood swings too. Don't worry, I can handle you too."
"How is Nat and Owen?" Erin asked.
Dr. Natalie Manning had her baby a month prior. Despite, his absence in the delivery room , due to Jeff's mother, Will had been there for her ever since. He was at her beck and call, and they had grown closer. Will had set up the nursery with her and has been her rock ever since. Will knew that Natalie wasn't ready to jump into a relationship yet and he respected that, but he reassured her that he was there for her no matter what.
"You're really good with him, Will." Natalie smiled as she saw Will holding her son. Will had gone over to her apartment after his shift one night. He had been spending a lot of time with them, ever since Natalie had Owen.
"He's a good baby." Will smiled down at his colleague's baby boy in his arms.
"Will.. You know I'm not ready for a relationship yet, but would you be the father figure in Owen's life? Jeff isn't here and he really needs a father, and you're really amazing with him. Only if you want to, obviously. Oh my gosh, what am I doing? That was a lot to ask for. Forget I asked."
"Nat." Will stopped her. "I'd love nothing more to be like a father to Owen. Come here."
Will held Owen with one hand and put his other arm around Natalie.
She leaned her head onto his shoulder. "You are something else, Will Halstead. Thank you. I don't know what I would do without you."
"You're strong, Nat. You can do anything, but you don't have to worry about doing this alone. I'm here, Nat."
"You're amazing, Nat." He said. "Why don't you go get some sleep, I got him."
"Are you sure?" Natalie asked.
"Yes, go." Will insisted.
"Thank you so much for this, Will." She gently kissed her son's head, and then kissed Will's cheek.
"They're amazing." Will smiled. "She's not ready for a new guy, but I'm there for her whatever she needs. And even if she asks me to be the father figure in his life."
"Did she ask you to be the father figure in Owen's life?" Erin asked.
"She did." Will smiled.
"Wow." Erin said. "How do you feel about that?"
"Good. I really care about Natalie and I fell in love with that little boy." Will said.
"That's amazing, Will. What you're doing for her. What you're doing for me. Jay would be so proud of you." Erin said.
"Thanks, Erin. I care about both of you, and I would be there for you both no matter what." Will said.
"You love Natalie, don't you?" Erin asked.
"Okay, I think this conversation became way too deep way too fast." Will said.
"Don't do that. Don't shut me out." Erin smirked. "I see the way you look at her. You don't have to admit it, but I see you."
Will rolled his eyes and moved the last box from the living room to the guest room.
"Are you ready to go the doctor's appointment?" Will asked.
"Yeah, let's head out." Erin said.
Erin lifted her shirt as Dr. Smith rubbed the blue gel on her stomach.
"That's a strong heartbeat." Dr. Smith said. "Your baby is really healthy and growing at the right pace."
Erin smiled at the screen. She was absolutely in love with this child that was growing inside her; her and Jay's child. Who knew she and Jay Halstead would be together, and now having a baby together. God knows she never expected that to happen.
"Are you ready to find out the sex of your child?" Dr. Smith asked.
A/N:Should the baby be a girl or a boy? Please Review.

Coming Home
FanfictionTwo weeks after Jay Halstead is drafted once again, Erin Lindsay discovers unexpected news. But will Jay be back to be there for her? (Takes place during season 3)