I cannot apologize enough for how long this chapter take for me to write. I have been so busy, and on top of that I was having trouble figuring out what to write for the war scenes so I tweaked it a little to have that be next chapter so I can post a chapter for you guys. I really did not expect for this chapter to take this long, so I deeply apologize. I hope you guys like it.
Thank you so much for all the reviews and suggestions you all gave for the sex of the baby. I hope you guys like what I decided. Leave me feedback please :)
"Are you ready to find out the sex of your baby?" Dr. Smith asked. "Hold on a second." She said looking at the screen closer.
"Is everything alright?" Erin said alarmed.
"Dr. Halstead, have you had experience with ultrasounds before?" Dr. Smith asked.
"Yeah, briefly during my residency." Will answered.
"Can you come look at this and give me a second opinion." Will got up and looked at the screen.
"Do you see what I see?" She asked.
"Wow." Will said.
"What is it Will?" Erin said.
He looked at Dr. Smith and then back at Erin. He took a deep breath preparing himself to bring this news to Lindsay. "You're carrying twins, Erin."
"You...You're lying." Erin said losing her breath.
"I'm getting two heartbeats, Erin. And this." Dr. Smith pointed at the screen. "That's another baby. Sometimes the second baby hides, during the first few ultrasounds."
"Oh my God." Erin said. "I am going to kill Jay Halstead."
"When my brother does something, he really does it." Will smirked.
"Listen, Will." She clenched his shirt and pulled him closer to threaten him. "This is no time for jokes."
Will noticed her hyperventilating. "Erin, calm down, breathe. It's not good for your babies."
She took a few large breaths, as tears fell down her face. "I'm already afraid of one baby, now I have two. How am I going to handle that, Will?"
"Erin." He squeezed his hand. "You're going to get through this. I'm here for you, your team is here, and Jay will be soon."
Tears streamed down Erin's face as she stared up at the ceiling. She couldn't get her emotions in order and who could blame her? Her boyfriend was gone fighting a war and she was already overwhelmed when found out she was pregnant. But now? She finds out she's carrying twins. She barely even gave herself credit for being able to handle one baby, let alone two. What was she going to do? Jay Halstead was off at war and had no idea about his children that she was carrying.
What if something happened to Halstead? She would absolutely lose it. She knew she would not handle it well.
She just needed Jay by her side, especially right now. Comforting her and telling her that everything will be just fine and that they can handle it together. She just wanted to call Jay and tell him everything, but she knew she couldn't do that.
It was all too much for her to handle, especially not with Jay by her side. She didn't realize how much she depended on someone this much until that point of her life when the news scared her. Her dependence was a new thing to her, and it terrified her.
"Are you okay, Er?" Will asked.
Erin wiped the tears that fell down her face and faced Will Halstead. "I'm fine."

Coming Home
FanfictionTwo weeks after Jay Halstead is drafted once again, Erin Lindsay discovers unexpected news. But will Jay be back to be there for her? (Takes place during season 3)