Chapter 11

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Hey guys, I know it's been soo long since I updated, I am truly sorry. I have missed it and you guys so much. I've been so busy with work. Turns out work is much busier than school. It's been an insane summer so far and I barely have had time to write. This chapter has been mostly done for a while, but I've been editing it and adding stuff for the last few months. I'm so sorry I couldn't get it to you guys sooner. I just didn't have time to sit and focus. I promise to force myself to spend time focusing because I honestly miss writing so much. Thank you for the feedback it means so much. Seriously feedback makes me want to write, so please keep that up, and keep reviewing and letting me know what you think. I made this chapter the longest I've ever done, so enjoy :)

PS: If you wanted to know, in my timeline Erin is now around 6 months pregnant. I revised the part where she gets kidnapped because I didn't like how the ending turned out last chapter. Thank you for holding on. Love you guys!

Sophia's birthday is in two days, I cannot wait to see what Jesse posts for her birthday. He is the biggest sweetheart so I have to much hope that it will be the cutest thing ever. Anyways, hope you guys are having an awesome summer!

"DAMMIT." Sergeant Jay Halstead yelled as his unit reached their safe place, after an unsuccessful mission in finding Steven Hetty.

"Halstead, you need to stop blaming yourself man, we did all that we could. He's a prisoner of war now, there's nothing else we can do." Trey Davis said. Davis was one of the few people he could absolutely trust in his unit. It was one of the reasons he picked him to be apart of the ten person unit he created to start the rescue search for Hetty. The main reason being that Davis was the one that suggested the idea and volunteered himself.

They had spent the last four weeks risking their own life to rescue their friend from the enemy. They had gotten nowhere in their mission. It was impossible to get to Hetty and save him. They had no idea what was going on in the war on either side. They focused on their mission in their search for Hetty.

"I know man, but we could have done more. There had to be something we could have done to get him back."

"There wasn't" Jeremy Whitmore said. "All due respect Sergeant, you did the best you could as a leader. There's nothing else we could have done."

Halstead looked at the soldier in his unit and tried to convince himself that he was right;

"I think it's time we go back to base. This mission is over." Halstead commanded his unit as they grabbed their belongings and started their journey back to base.


"Don't move." Erin Lindsay felt on hard object on the back of her head.

Before she could turn around, he held a piece of cloth against her mouth and she fell limp into his arms.

He carried her silently towards the elevators, and then to his car, through the back entrance. To his benefit, it was late in the night and there was no one on that side of the building to see what was happening.

Erin Lindsay gradually opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. She was in what looked like an abandoned warehouse, nothing in sight, but the chair 50 yards away and the mattress she was sitting on. She tried to move, but her left hand was chained to the wall.

She must have been drugged, she couldn't remember how she got there. Her first and only thought at that moment was her innocent babies growing inside of her. Until that point, she didn't know how strong the motherly instincts were. No matter what she had to do, she needed to protect them. In that moment she thought not as a detective, not even as an individual, but as a mom. For the first time her motherly instincts kicked in. She knew that from that point on it was never going to be only her that she had to worry about; two little humans were going to be her top priority always. She set her right hand on her belly, as she felt her babies kicking under her hand.

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