Dear Journal,

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Dear Journal, 

     Well we all know that there's two sides to every story and this is mine which is the truth and nothing but the truth  so help me God and all that jazz. I guess you should know who I am and why you're about to read my story, so I guess I do owe you that much.

    I'm just seventeen-year old Anya Bradstreet and I'm not a teenage dirt bag just a teenager who old people think is a dirtbag but you know the elderly. I have two best friends who mean the absolute world to me that you'll get to know a bunch about. I'm just a high school student who is desperately trying to survive these crazy four years and get the hell out in one piece.

     I've seen enough of those sappy teenage flicks to know how my life is supposed to be right now but I'm still  awkward. Still waiting for that summer that I turn drop dead gorgeous and my life turns into one big typical high school movie that we've all seen a million times. Sounds completely harmless once you think about it, but then again we both know that there is no way to have high school without complicated drama and all the shit that follows. I wish I could tell you how this story ends, how happy the ending is going to be, and that we're all going to be alright but then I would be lying. I'm sorry to say but this is high school kid and the endings aren't always happy. Sometimes things don't end the way we want them to, but I digress and will let you find that out for yourselves. 

     So good luck! I cordially invite you into my life to learn about how easy it went from easy breezy to drama central and like I said, I promise I'm telling nothing but the truth cross my heart and hope to die.

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