10) Catch Me

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As I walked down the endless familiar shore I grew more and more irritable. I trudged through the sand and each step closer I got to the caves the more pissed off I became. How dare he take a job at my school just to make my life difficult? Who the hell does he think he is calling me "sweetheart" in front of everyone and why did he break into my locker and take my Daisy?!

My legs carried me down shore and I knew I made it when the sand became a little softer and the waves a little bigger. I picked up a few shells and hurled them into the endless waves letting it all go with each throw.

When I couldn't take it anymore I sat down on the shore and hurled sea shells into the choppy water. I tied my hair back and just laid in the sand, allowing the surf to tickle my toes and wash away my worries. I turned my head to the caves and just closed my eyes refusing to step inside and back into this fantasy.

"Well shit, if I didn't know anything I would say that this isn't practicing for your showcase thingy." My eyes snapped open and I was staring at Blake who was standing over me with his eyes burning holes through mine. He'd followed me and I led him to this secret place, breaking rule number one...freaking fantastic!

I didn't have the energy to lie so I just laid there staring at him in silence. He sat down next to me and started skipping shells into the water, just waiting for me to lie to him some more or say anything. My mind wandered and I just listened to the sounds of the beach, different scenarios played out and when I turned to Blake he already stared at me waiting.

"I just needed to get away from everything is all, I didn't mean to lie to you but this is my secret place and no one should know about it." I spoke letting part of my bended truth be told. His eyes searched my face as if checking for cracks in my story's foundation. Sighing in defeat, he stood up and offered me a his sandy hand.

I grabbed on and supported some of my weight as he pulled me up effortlessly still silent. The way he looked down and over me made me nervous in the worst way and I could feel my palm grow warm and clammy in his. He was studying ever inch of my face trying to not only read me but this whole situation.

Looking over everything trying to see if he could trust any of the words that I spoke; his brow furrowed as he brushed a stray curl from my face. He spoke in his soft voice, "No problem Anya. If you needed space that's cool, I just wish you didn't feel the need to lie to everybody about it."

"Ok." I felt a smile paint itself across my face as I spoke, feeling comforted by his understanding tone. . I shifted nervously and looked behind my shoulder making sure that there was no sign of Kai and his creepy ways.

"That's pretty gorgeous the way those caves just come right out of the water! I didn't even know this part of the beach existed! Wanna check it out?!" His face lit up and mine dimmed slightly. Just my luck he wants to go inside! My inner voice screamed to grab my attention and I tumbled over endless words to put together yet another lie for this poor boy.

"No!" I let out before I could even catch myself. Try again Anya try again!

I focused and got a grip on myself and lied coolly," I mean yeah no, they aren't allowed to be entered by the public. Ya know uh safety and all that stuff." I lied just as smooth as I could and it kind of hurt that I'm back in the same place that I started with Blake.

All of the lies that it took to keep this whole thing a secret were really getting bigger and stupider the more I tried to dig myself out. Blake looked longingly at the adventure that he would never get a chance to have and let go of my hand that lingered in his.

"I can understand that, damn no wonder you try so hard to keep this place secret. It's something else out here!" He exclaimed while taking it all in.

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