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Lillianna's pov

"Ok you can come out now."

"FINALLY!" I cheered as I charged past Stefan out of the room they'd kept me prisoner in all night and I slid down the bannister. "WOOOOO!"

"Lia!" Damon yelled as I fell off the the bannister and bounced down the last few steps. "Are you trying to kill yourself?!"

"Was that a rhetorical question?" I smirked looking up at Damon from the floor.

"Don't be a smart arse." Damon scowled, pulling me back onto my feet.

"Then don't be a twat." I grinned as I smacked him over the head before bolting for the kitchen.

He caught me just as I made it through the kitchen door and immediately threw me over his shoulder.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I shrieked as he spun around on the spot at vamp speed. "I'M GONNA BE SICK!"

"Damon put my sister down."

"Care!" I grinned as Damon put me down and I tried to run and give her a hug but fell over instead. "Damon!" I whined. "I'm dizzy!"

He snorted but helped me up again anyway. That was when I realised that Caroline looked quite upset.

"What's the matter Care?" I frowned.

"Katherine attacked me at the Grill."

"She did what?!" I growled. "I'm gonna......"

"Do nothing." Stefan said quietly as he came in. "What did she want Caroline?"
"She said and I quote, 'tell Damon and Stefan that I want the moonstone or I will rip this town apart until it rains blood.' She said the deal is going down tonight. Maybe we should just give it to her."

"Don't be ridiculous!" I snorted.

"Katherine isn't getting dick!" Damon growled. "I'm going to kill her tonight."

"Now we're talking!" I grinned and then noticed the look on Damon's face. "I'm not part of the plan am I?"

"Nope." He smirked.

"I never get to have any fun." I grumbled.

"What about when you tried to kill Mason Lockwood with a wine glass?" He snorted.


"Or when you tried to run me over with Matt's car?"


"And what about when you smacked Katherine in the face with a frying pan?" Stefan added.

"Ok! Ok!" I yelped. "Jeez, way to gang up on me people! It's fine! I'll go and see Bonnie!"

"Bonnie's part of the plan." Damon grinned as I started walking.

"I'll go see Matt then!" I growled.

"Don't go to the ball tonight!" Damon yelled after me as I slammed the front door shut behind me.

Who's he kidding? Of course I'm going to the bloody ball. I didn't buy a dress for nothing.

I went with Matt, Elena and Jeremy to bring Jenna back from the Hospital and then Jeremy disappeared off to the Salvatore's house. Brilliant. Why does he get to be in on the plan? Then Matt left to get ready for the ball so I did the same. The minute I was ready I went back to Elena's house and broke her out. We arrived at the ball but I spotted Katherine talking to Jeremy so I quickly dragged Elena behind some bushes with me. We waited until Jeremy finished talking and Katherine went inside and then as he walked past the bush we were hiding behind we grabbed a leg each and pulled him behind the bush too.
"Come on then!" I hissed. "Spill the plan Jer!"

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