The Real Klaus

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Lillianna's pov

Turns out that Bonnie wasn't actually dead, it was some plan to make Klaus think that she was dead. She's hiding out with Jeremy in the tomb which is a safe place now Katherine's not in it anymore. Elena's completely freaking out. Jenna now knows about vampires because Alaric/Klaus attacked her but luckily Stefan was there to intervene but Elena's still freaked.
"Lia please! I'm begging you!"
"Fine!" I sighed, rolling my eyes. "I'll call Elijah. I can't promise anything though."
"I know. Thanks Lia." Elena smiled and I shook my head as I picked up the phone to ring Elijah.
I swear Elena's gonna get herself killed one of these days.

Elijah said he was coming straight over so all we had to do was wait for him.
"Elena for god's sake!" I snapped. "Can you please sit down?! You're making me nervous pacing like that!"
"Sorry." She sighed and sat down but she jumped up again almost immediately as Elijah walked into the room.
"Hey dude." I grinned and he chuckled as he sat down next to me on the couch.
Immediately I put my feet up on his lap.
"Comfortable?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and I gave him a thumbs up.
"Oh yeah."
"Hello?" Elena said exasperated. "He's here for a reason Lia."
"I know that." I snorted. "Go on then Elena. Start talking."

She gave me a disgruntled look as she sat down in an armchair.
"We need information." She finally said. "And obviously you seem......"
"To know the most about Klaus." Elijah finished for her. "What do you want to know?"
"As much as you can tell me."
"Oh very specific." I snorted as Elijah struggled not to laugh.
"Well I suppose I should start with the fact that Klaus is my brother. Well, my half-brother."
"What?" Elena frowned. "Then why would you want to kill him."
"I love him because he's family but I want him dead for the things he's done."
"What things?"
"I don't think I want to know." I shuddered and Elijah nodded.
"Trust me; you really don't want to know."

I shivered at the look on Elijah's face and then Elijah continued talking.
"Our mother had an affair and when my father found out he killed Klaus's father and so began the war between the species.......vampires and werewolves." He added when me and Elena looked a bit confused still.
"Hang on." I frowned. "What does that make Klaus? A vampire or a werewolf?"
"He's both." Elijah sighed. "A hybrid. The witches couldn't allow such an imbalance of power so they bound Klaus's werewolf side."
"The curse of the sun and moon isn't real is it?" I asked slowly and Elijah shook his head. "I knew it." I grinned. "The curse being broken would release Klaus's werewolf side."
"Correct." Elijah nodded. "Klaus will be most vulnerable during transition so I plan to kill him then, just after the curse has been broken."
"All we have to do is find a way for Bonnie to save Elena in the process and we have a plan." I announced cheerfully just as Stefan and Damon came in.
"Lia." Stefan said disapprovingly. "What have we told you about making plans like this without us?"
"That as long as they're good plans then I should carry on." I said sweetly and they both shook their heads at me.
"Oh you're hopeless." Damon sighed.

"Damon I'm bored." I whined for the tenth time.
Elijah went to meet his witch and I have no idea where Stefan and Elena have gone. Damon opened his mouth to reply when Alaric/Klaus walked into the room.
"Finally some excitement!" I grinned, jumping up and charging at Alaric/Klaus, grabbing a bottle of whiskey on the way.
"Woah! Woah! Woah!" Alaric/Klaus yelped taking a step back as I raised the bottle ready to smack him over the head with it. "Lia it's me! Alaric!"
"How do we know you're not lying?" Damon frowned, finally recovering from the shock and taking the bottle of whiskey off me.
"Ok let me think." He frowned. "Oh right! Lia! When you first met me you were convinced I was a vampire so you knocked me out, tied me to a chair and force fed me vervain for half an hour before finally deciding that I was human."
"Ok." I snorted. "It's him."
"Did you really?" Damon laughed. "Why didn't I hear about that?"
"She made me promise not to say anything." Alaric grinned as I gave him a big hug.
"Well I guess Klaus has got his real body back." I said cheerfully. "Anyone know what he looks like? Nope? Me neither."
"Well I need a drink." Alaric groaned. "A big one."
"The Grill it is." I grinned. "Finally something to do. I'm driving."
Nobody argued with me for a change which was good.

We'd been at the Grill for a while and I wasn't having as much fun as I'd hoped. Damon wouldn't let me drink, play pool or sing on the karaoke so I was sat in the corner of the Grill in a huff. He's such a spoilsport but then it became very interesting. A guy walked in and sat down next to Damon and Alaric. The way Damon looked at him immediately told me that this was the real Klaus. Jumping up I skipped across the Grill and plonked myself down on the seat next to Klaus at the bar.
"Klaus I presume." I grinned and he turned to face me, then I lost my train of thought for a moment.
He is pretty gorgeous. Woah, hang on a second. What the hell am I thinking? Evil vampire. Remember that stupid.
"That's right Lia." Klaus smirked.
"That's Lillianna to you douchebag." I growled. "Only my friends can call me Lia."
"Is that so?"
"Lia go home." Damon hissed but Klaus stood up and snapped Damon's neck in the blink of an eye.
The rest of the people in the Grill didn't react at all so I assume they're all compelled.

"What the hell did you do that for?!" I snarled, jumping up and shoving Klaus as hard as I could but he didn't move an inch.
"He was irritating me." he shrugged as Alaric knelt down next to Damon. "Let's go."
"What do you mean let's go?" I asked, frowning at him suspiciously.
"I mean you're coming with me."
"Oh I don't think so!" I snarled backing away from him but he grabbed hold of my wrist and proceeded to drag me towards the door. I was struggling against him with everything I had but he didn't even seem to notice. Growling with frustration I grabbed a beer bottle on the way past a table and smashed it over his head. He yelped and let go of me so I took the opportunity to bolt out of the Grill.

I'd almost made it to the car when something slammed into me, knocking me over and knocking the wind out of me. That something was obviously Klaus as he sat on me and pinned my arms to the ground at either side of my head.
"That wasn't very nice love." He smirked as I tried to catch my breath.
"Yeah well, you're a prat."
It didn't come out quite as condescending as I'd hoped because I was still a bit breathless but oh well. It got the point across but he just chuckled and stood up, throwing me over his shoulder as he did so. He tried to start walking again but I had my breath back now so I promptly began screaming and pummelling every inch of him I could reach. When I managed to knee him in the face I ended up on my back on the ground again with Klaus sitting on top of me again as he pinned my arms in the same position as before.

"You're making this very difficult love." He smirked and I scowled at him.
"Yeah well what do you need me for anyway?"
"Curiosity." He grinned and I groaned.
"Honestly I'm not that interesting. Why does every single bloody vampire I come across want to know more about me?"
"That's a good question." He said quietly as he studied me and my breath caught slightly at the look on his face which then made me irritated with myself.
"Well if you want to get to know someone you ask them if they want to hang out with you!" I snapped. "You don't flipping kidnap them!"
"But it's so much easier." He chuckled.
"I thought you said I was making it difficult?"
"I could always bite you." He smirked. "That would quiet you down for a bit."
"Don't even bloody think about it!" I snarled, struggling to get him off me as his fangs came out.
"But you smell so delicious." He smirked, leaning down and I froze as his fangs grazed the side of my neck.
"Don't you dare!" I hissed through gritted teeth.
"But I want to." He chuckled but I felt his fangs retract as his lips brushed the side of my neck instead.
"Well great but you can get off me now." I said, shivering slightly and he brought his face up close to mine instead. "What are you doing?" I whispered, hyper aware that his lips were centimetres away from mine.
"I have no idea." He said quietly but before he could do or say anything else he was thrown off me and I was pulled up as Elijah pulled me behind him, looking really scary. I've never seen him look so angry as he glared at Klaus.
"I'm warning you brother." Elijah snarled at him. "Leave her alone."
Klaus stared at Elijah in disbelief and cast me one more confused look before disappearing at vamp speed.
"Thanks Elijah." I sighed in relief. "Perfect timing."
"Don't mention it." He sighed as he pulled me into a hug.

I still love Elijah more,he's just flat out awesome.
SORRY this chapter is one day late(I promised a chapter yesterday) I was out all day with my OTTB Bellamy training. And I've been down in the dumps lately cause my baby Jacob hasn't been returned😭so I wouldn't expect chapters quick I'm very depressed at the moment. AND I'm working on a new book or two so calm your horsies plz.

PS.get those comments up or chapters will be slow, I love reading comments and want to know what YOU think!!!

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