Mission Irritate

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Can someone hand me a cracker & butter knife?😂
Lillianna's pov

Klaus was back to his usual
smirky irritating self which is
much more entertaining and I'm
just glad I got to see that other
side to him yesterday. Now though I'm getting irritated because he won't tell me where we're going so I'm making it my mission to irritate him into telling me. Stefan's just sat in silence in the front of the car because I'm being forced to sit in the back.
"Does it have anything to do with super naturals?" "You don't need to know." Klaus sighed but I just shot another question at him.
Are you looking for someone?"

"None of your business."
"Is it a vampire?" "No."
"Is it a witch?" "No."
"Is it........."
"Lia shut up!"
"Nope." I grinned, pleased I was annoying him and he growled at me. "If you told me then I wouldn't have to guess!"
"We're here." He announced and stopped the car. "Where?"
"The house is just up the road."
"Then why aren't we stopping outside of it?" "Because......" he growled in frustration. "I'm going to pretend my car's broken down."
"Bloody hell Lia! Just stay in the damn car!"
"Ok, keep your hair on."

Stefan and Klaus got out of the car, Klaus said something to Stefan who disappeared as Klaus then continued walking down the road. Waiting until I decided he was out of earshot I got out of the car which he stupidly forgot to lock and I skipped off down the road after him. Finally he came into sight and I saw he was stood talking to a blonde woman outside of a house. Great, I thought grinning evilly, let's see if I can irritate him some more.
"Klausy!" I sang as I skipped over to them and he groaned as the woman looked at me confused. "Hello! Missed me?!"

"Why couldn't you stay in the car?" he sighed as I skipped around him in circles.
"Well you didn't lock it!" I giggled and he shook his head in exasperation.
"He said his car broke down." The blonde woman said nervously. "He didn't mention he had anyone with him." "Yeah well he lied." I snorted and Klaus growled, catching hold of my arm as I skipped past him again to stop me from skipping as the woman suddenly looked terrified.
"Invite me in." he compelled her and she did so we headed into the house.
Well Klaus and the woman headed into the house. Technically I was dragged into the house by Klaus who still had hold of my arm as I dug in my heels and tried not to move. Clearly that didn't work too well. In the end I just flopped on the floor but Klaus didn't hesitate as he just scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder instead. Sighing loudly I rested my right elbow against his back and used my right hand to prop my head up.
"Who are you?" I heard another woman ask anxiously. "He's an escaped prison convict!" I announced and Klaus shrugged his shoulder which jolted me, making my chin slip off my hand and I nearly smashed my face off his back. Growling I smacked him hard on the backside which was in easy reach and he yelped, finally dropping me back onto my feet but when I tried to run his arms shot out and hooked around my waist.
"Not so fast." He chuckled, pulling me close to him, my back against his chest as I groaned dramatically.
"I demand that you tell me who you are!" the dark haired woman said, sounding more scared than intimidating. "We're circus performers!" I cheered.
"Lia stop making stuff up!" Klaus snapped. "We're here to see Ray Sutton."
"Who's he?" I asked but everyone ignored me.
"He doesn't live here." The blonde woman answered. "Oh I'm sure he must visit at least once a month." Klaus smirked.
"HE'S A WEREWOLF!" I shrieked and Klaus jumped. "Did you have to scream that loud?" he winced. "I think I'm deaf now."
Before I could reply the dark haired woman tried to run but Stefan appeared, blocking her escape route.
"He's at the bar Southern Comfort!" she cried and Klaus smirked.
"Thank you love. Stefan kill the blonde one quick but make that one suffer."
"WHAT?!" I screeched as Klaus easily dragged me back out of the house. "WHAT DO YOU NEED TO KILL THEM FOR?!"
"To stop them from warning him!" Klaus growled. "Lia can you stop struggling please!"

"Ok." I said sweetly and immediately stopped struggling so he let go of me cautiously as he frowned at me suspiciously.
"That was easier than I thought."
"Cat." I said randomly, poking him in the chest. "What?" he asked confused.
"MOUSE!" I screamed and bolted, running back down the road to where we left the car.
I must have caught him by surprise because I was halfway to the car before he caught me. Laughing like a lunatic I collapsed on the floor dragging him down with me and we ended up laid on our backs in the middle of the road next to each other.
"I'm having much more fun." I grinned, rolling closer to him. "Well you know apart from you ordering people to be killed like some weird mafia boss."
He chuckled and reached out, tucking a stray lock of hair that had blown across my face behind my ear. He kept his hand on my cheek as his smile faded and he sat up a bit, turning serious as he said,
"Lia I........never mind.......I don't even know what I'm trying to say."
I didn't even dare to breathe as he leaned down but just before his lips could brush mine we jumped apart as Stefan said dully,
"I'm not interrupting anything am I?"
"Course not." I said quickly, pretty flustered, at the same time as Klaus said,
"Not at all."
Stefan raised an eyebrow but just said,
"They're both dead. I assume we're leaving now."
He walked off to the car as Klaus stood up and easily pulled me to my feet.
"So...." He said awkwardly as I tried to breathe normally, my cheeks burning; they're probably crimson.
"Car?" I said trying to sound normal.
"Race you?"
"You're on."
"No vamp speed cheating mind you." I said warningly. "Got it."
*someone screams in the comments saying*
Ehhhh shortish chapter, sorry.
Can we just take a moment & admire how many reads this story has gotten in just a day😂sorry I'm weird & just got done eating LifeSavers candy yummmm🍭
I had to feed/water my trainers horses today plus her dog and the goat family, they were so happy to see me!! I love them so much my trainer is my second family lol
I fed Odie in the tack up area cause he bullies other horses over food since he is alpha & I let him back out, he pushed me over with his butt😂🍑my horse is so weird. Derp.
F4F? Ask, I'm friendly!

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