[ welcome + playlist + cast ]

66.9K 954 468

Date started: 20th December 2015
Date completed: 31st December 2016


13/05/2018: oh my goodness!! This book just hit 100K! I can't believe it — I'm still processing it all. Thank you so, so much. This is incredible. I never thought this book would come so far. Thank you.

I have currently unpublished the sequel; I am doing major reconstruction on it and am hoping to get it back up soon! Thank you for understanding.


Hi there! Welcome to the first instalment in the Raine x Bellamy series! Thank you for choosing to read this book - it means a lot!

Now, before we dive head first into the story of Raine, I just want to let you know that whilst this book is completed, it is undergoing major editing. This is my first completed book (my other one flopped) and as usual, there will be some spelling errors and things of the like. There will be a sequel (obviously) but first I want to make sure that this book is at its full capacity.

Each chapter is equivalent to an episode, so whilst it may seem like things are moving fast I'm just following the plot :~) Speaking of plots, I do not own the 100! If I did, I would have written myself in and Bellamy and I would already be married (whoops?). All rights go to the producers. I do, however, own Raine's plot line and I will fight to the death to protect her.

I did not create and upload this story for the votes or the amount of reads or the comments, but I will admit they go a long way and are very appreciated. I created this story because I wanted to add my own twist and I can say that I did that (hopefully).



Meteorite by Years and Years
"You've been, following the rush
I've sinned, but I keep it hush
You're near, but it's not enough
I need this to survive."

Closer to you by Safia
"Hope you know
I'm already under your skin
The words upon your tongue
I know before you begin 'em."

Messiah by M-Phazes
"Show me where it hurts I wanna see it
Look me in the eyes I'm not afraid
Trust me when I say you can defeat it
Don't let all these feelings go to waste."

Rocketfuel by Thomston
"I'm in your orbit now
You grabbed and pulled me in
Don't you know you're inescapable?
I'm burning up like rocket fuel."

Hanging By A Thread by Elk Road
"I see it in your eyes
Yeah you make me feel uncomfortable
I know, I know I turn to mud
Yeah you lead me to the edge again."

Wonderwall by Oasis
"Because maybe
You're gonna be the one that saves me
And after all
You're my wonderwall."

Worship by Years and Years
"I worship, high praises
My longing drives me crazy for you
My kingdom for your graces
I'm not gonna tell nobody."

I Found by Amber Run
"And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be
Right in front of me
Talk some sense to me."

Wasted Youth by Fletcher
"Hell, I know that I'm gonna pay
But I do it anyway
You're the ultimate high that I'm tripping on
You're the edge of the cliff that I'm hanging on."

Concrete Jungle by Au/Ra
"In this Concrete Jungle
We all act like animals
We're runnin' on pure instinct
No we ain't scared of nothin'."

I Went Too Far by Aurora
"I went too far when I was begging on my knees
When I cut my hands, so you could stand and watch me bleed?
I went too far and kissed the ground beneath your feet
Standing in my blood, it was a taste of bittersweet."



Zoey Deutch as Raine

Zoey Deutch as Raine

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Bob Morley as Bellamy Blake

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Bob Morley as Bellamy Blake

Bob Morley as Bellamy Blake

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Rest of the cast as themselves

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Rest of the cast as themselves


Please note: I wrote this book when I was SIXTEEN and I realise now Raine might be a somewhat problematic character. Also, plot holes probably exist. If you're going to post comments attacking Raine, I will literally just mute you :)

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