[ eight ]

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[edited 8 January 2017]


Bellamy strode through the camp, a burning torch in his hand as he looked for his younger sister. He hadn't seen her since she caught up with him in the woods that morning, and needless to say he was worried. He flicked back a tent, spotting Raine sitting crossed legged on her cot, having discarded her shirt for a singlet.

She jumped in surprise, looking over her shoulder with a dark look until she saw it was Bellamy. "Bellamy, what's wrong?"

"Have you seen Octavia?" he asked immediately.

She shook her head, seemingly unworried. "She's Octavia, Bellamy. She's probably chasing butterflies."

"I've checked the camp, Mist. She's not here."

Raine was already pulling on her shirt when she spoke, "I'll help you look."


"She's my friend, Bellamy." Raine silenced him, and he gave a nod. She stepped out of the tent, their chests touching when she stood up. Raine didn't seem to notice, walking away and claiming, "And besides, why would you come to me if you didn't want me to help look?"

"I was looking for Octavia." Bellamy corrected her weakly.

"Alright, check again. Just in case. You go to the drop ship and I'll recheck the tents." Raine ordered.

"Thank you." Bellamy nudged her shoulder.

Raine glanced at him. "Thank me when we find her."


When the secondary search of the camp had proved useless, Bellamy had begun to grow desperate. Carrying a large collect of weapons in his arms, he proclaimed, "Everybody gather round and pick a weapon."

He dropped the weapons to the ground, continuing, "My sister has been out there alone for twelve hours. Arm up; we're not coming back without her."

The pile of weapons began to diminish rapidly, and Raine thought she spotted Jasper waddling over to it. She quickly caught his shoulder, saying, "Jasper, you don't have to do this. You haven't left camp since we bought you back."

The boy looked tired and scared as he responded, "Raine, I need to do this."

"We need all the people we can get." Raine heard Bellamy say from behind her. Raine watched Jasper with a pained face as he walked forwards and picked up a weapon. She glanced at Bellamy in disappointment. Clarke had appeared beside them, the two girls briefly glancing at each other before Clarke picked up a weapon. Raine sniffed as she pointedly reached for her staff. Bellamy smirked to himself at the sight.

"We need a tracker." He stated, and Clarke nodded towards Finn's tent.

"Finn!" Bellamy yelled. "Finn get out here!"

"Don't worry, we'll find her." Raine reassured Bellamy, hearing the edge in his voice.

He didn't respond, only yelled again, "Finn, we're leaving!"

Common Ground ⇥ Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now