[ fifteen ]

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[edited 7 February 2017]


Bellamy jolted awake, sucking in as much air as his lungs would allow him whilst he looked around. The dropship was still filled with sick teenagers, and he was only just beginning to feel better.

His head felt as though it was filled with lead, his eyes were itchy and his entire body ached. He immediately sat up, looking around him for Raine, but she was nowhere to be seen. Panic flared up in his chest, and his thoughts travelled to the pile of bodies just outside the dropship.

He was struggling to his feet as Murphy approached, holding a cup of water in his hand. The bloodied boy held it out, speaking lowly, "Here."

Bellamy glanced up in confusion, suddenly feeling lightheaded. When his vision focused and he saw who it was he scowled and knocked the cup of water away, growling half-deliriously, "Get the hell away from me."

"Bellamy, you're sick." Murphy's tone was condescending and if Bellamy wasn't so weak he would've punched him. "I'm just trying to help."

He then gestured to Bellamy's face, and the older boy became aware of the dark blood dripping from his nose. Murphy quickly reached for a rag, holding it out for Bellamy to use but Bellamy instead chose to use his sleeve, sniffing the blood up. Murphy looked mildly disgusted.

Bellamy coughed once, his throat erupting into pain, and he croaked, "I told you to leave her alone. When I get better... if you're still here..."

"Hey," Clarke interrupted his threat, walking over to them. She was looking better, no longer bleeding profusely but her eyes, nose and mouth were still stained red. Murphy glanced at her she continued, "I've got this one."

Silently, Murphy stood up, handing the half-empty cup of water to Clarke and walking off. Bellamy watched, anger running through his veins. He had told Murphy to stay away – to stay away from her – and yet here he was, like the low-life piece of scum he was. If he wasn't so weak, he would've beaten the boy to a pulp by now.

Clarke sat down beside him heavily, obviously still sick despite her increased appearance, and handed him the cup. This time he took it. He downed the water in one gulp and then looked at Clarke. Her skin was pale, her eyes red and slightly bruised. Bellamy could only guess that he looked the same way.

"Where is she?" was his first question.

Clarke smiled knowingly, "Raine's outside. I had to force her to leave – she was serious about not leaving you. She's been pacing out there for most of the day."

Bellamy smiled to himself, shaking his head softly. "She's stubborn, that's for sure. Is she okay, though?"

"The fever didn't affect her like it did us. She's strong, Bellamy." Clarke answered, still looking exhausted.

"What about you? You look like crap." Bellamy asked, clutching the cup tightly in his hands. The metal was cool, and seemed to calm him down.

Clarke let out a short laugh, replying, "Yeah."

Bellamy noted that she hadn't actually answered his question, but he let it go. Instead, he turned his attention to his younger sibling. "Have you seen Octavia?"

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