[ twelve ]

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[edited 8 January 2017]


here it is guys. this probably has to be my favourite chapter that I've written so far.

dedicated to those who took the time to message me or leave a comment on the previous chapters.


A thin sweat had broken out across Raine's forehead, but she didn't notice. She was too busy struggling against the onslaught of tears rushing her way. She let out a growl, shaking her head and raising her gun. She wasn't going to run after him this time, no. She was going to stay and practice, because at the end of the day she wanted to protect her friends back at camp.

Raine moved her gun into the position Bellamy had showed her earlier, composing herself. She breathed in deeply, preparing herself to pull the trigger. She watched in confusion at the X on the flag melted, sliding off of the material and dripping onto the floor. She stumbled backwards, her foot catching on something and she went sprawling towards the floor.

The gun has vanished from her hands before she crashed, and she cracked her head against the ground. She let out a groan, her eyes widening when she saw where she was. She was back on the Ark, being thrown roughly into a cell. Raine watched as the two guards pulled the door to her cell shut, watching her momentarily before disappearing.

She scrambled to her feet, banging on the door, "Hey! Get me out of here! I'm supposed to be on the ground! I'm supposed to be on Earth!"

The was a high pitched giggle behind her, and when she spun around she saw a little girl sitting on the bed, holding a shiny red apple in her hands. Raine's mouth fell open as she spotted the apple, and she pressed herself against the door.

"What are you doing here?" Raine asked, her voice shaky.

The girl giggled again, raising the apple to her mouth. Raine felt the urge to smack it out of her hands, but stayed where she was. The girl chewed the apple, smiling like a doll. Raine began to mutter herself, bringing her hands up to her hair, "No, no, no, no."

"Hey, baby."

She whipped her head to her right, spotting her mother standing right in front of her. Her mother looked exactly like she remembered; chocolate brown hair, beautiful blue eyes. Her pink lips were pulled upwards into a smile, and she reached out for Raine.

"Get away from me!" Raine screamed violently, reaching for her staff. When it wasn't there, she crossed the room to escape her mother's arms.

"But I'm your mother."

"No, you're not!" Raine cried, her vision becoming blurry. "Help me! Somebody!"

Her mother let out a chuckle, cooing, "Aw, no-one's coming for you. You're a criminal, remember? You stole apples, naughty girl."

"That – that was you! You stole them! You framed me!" Raine let out a sob as she slid down the wall into a crouching position.

The little girl hummed, having finished the apple, "That was delicious! Lucky I stole a second one, do you want it?"

She held the apple out to Raine, nodding happily, and Raine fought the vomit crawling up her throat. She snatched the apple, throwing it across the room. It hit the wall, smashing against the metal, and skin and flesh and juice flew everywhere.

Common Ground ⇥ Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now