[ three ]

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[edited 3 January 2017]


Raine ran through the forest, her face stoic. It's not like she wanted to leave Jasper behind, but there was no way in hell that she wanted to be impaled to a tree. She shot forwards, easily taking the lead.

Behind her Clarke hesitated, not wanting to leave Jasper either. Finn stopped, and grabbed her, panting, "Clarke!"

The two began to run again and soon caught up with Monty and Octavia. Raine was a few meters ahead. However, she skidded to a halt when Monty tripped, landing on the ground roughly.

"Monty!" she hissed, "Get up!"

"We gotta go!" Finn cried, dragging the boy to his feet. Raine was frozen, her eyes glued to the scattered bones on the ground. Monty recoiled, his eyes wide, and Finn asked, "Who are they?"

Clarke was silent as she picked up the skull, her eyes wide with fright. The skull was deformed; the top half of the skull being almost twice as large as the bottom half. "What are they?" Clarke corrected Finn.

Octavia took a shaky breath, "We are so screwed."

A blood curdling scream ripped through the air, and Raine spun around, knowing immediately that it was the boy. "Jasper." She whispered, and without a second thought took off, sprinting back to the creek.

"Wait! Wait!" Finn called, taking off after her. Clarke dropped the skull and raced after her friends. Finn caught up to Raine, who was about to go bounding down to the creek. He grabbed her bicep, "Stay in the trees!"

She glared at him, and then looked back across the river. Her stomach dropped; Jasper was gone.

"He was right there." Finn spoke in surprise.

"No... where is he?" Monty almost cried, fearing for the life of his best friend.

Clarke's mouth was dry as she stated, "They took him."


There were shouts as the group neared the camp and Raine shot ahead, thinking that it might be the same people that took Jasper. A scowl came across her face when she saw Wells holding a knife the Murphy's throat, Bellamy standing back and watching.

"Wells!" Clarke yelled frowning. Wells glanced at Clarke, surprise to see her back so soon. "Let him go!"

"And you." Raine hissed out, storming over to Bellamy. He looked at her with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Hello, Mist."

She scoffed, "You're going to get us all killed! We need to survive, and for that we need all these people to be alive."

Bellamy rolled his eyes, "I thought no-one was in charge."

She stepped forward, so their chests were touching, "Then stop acting like you are."

She turned around in time to see Wells throw Murphy to the ground, Murphy twisting so he was facing Wells. He lunged at the boy, but Bellamy pushed past Raine and grabbed the boy, "Whoa, whoa hey. Enough, Murphy."

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