Unknown Island

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Nami's p.o.v

Sailing in the vast of the sea while the flag is swaying with the wind in rhythm. Cold wind kissing our skin in delight. It's just another ordinary day in the thousand sunny.

I looked at my crew, luffy, chopper and usopp are fishing, Franky is in his workshop , Robin is reading her book with me in lawn chair, zoro is napping , brook is playing a song in his violin , and sanji is making Robin and I a snacks.

Yup just another ordinary day, It's been a year since we defeated Big Mom.

"ISLAND AHOYYYY!!"usopp said well more like shouted

"Huh? Why isn't the logpose pointing in that island?"I muttered

"What's wrong nami?" Zoro asked while stirring in his sleeping position.

"The logpose isn't pointing in that island"

"It's a mystery island" Luffy said in an excited look.

"That's not it! This is weird"
hmm how did the logpose avoided this island?

"This is interesting, I wonder if this island have mysterious things" Robin said, who's closing her book in glee.

"Yoshaaa! let's go in that island" Luffy jumped up and down.

"Ok, now stop jumping around the sunny luffy" He really gives me a headache

"Can't help it, I'm really excited!" He said, his eyes are twinkling in excitement. He looks so cute while doing th-wait! What am I thinking! Erase! Erase! Erase!

But why do I feel this sinking feeling like I have been in this island before? It really looks familiar to me.

"Nami are you alright? Is something bothering you? Didn't you notice that we are docked?" Robin was eyeing me carefully like I'm a puzzle that she's currently building

"I-im ok....It's just...I don't know...I feel something weird in this island and It feels oddly familiar " I answered

"Hmm, I wonder. Just tell me if something is wrong" she said

"O-ok thanks" She walked away after smiling at me

Is it just my imagination or what?

"Oi nami aren't you coming?" Usopp shouted

"Huh? What? Where?" Then I remembered "oh yeah, I forgot sorry" I fake laughed and went with them.


"Where is franky and robin,I haven't seen them for a while" I thought she already went with usopp?

"They are guarding the ship" Chopper said

"Nami-swaaaan do you want some snacks?" Asked sanji with annoying hearty eyes

"No thanks sanji-kun"

"You'll like this food, I made it with my love for you"

"Later sanji-kun"

He's getting on my nerves

"Me! Sanji! I want some! gimme gimme foods!" Again, luffy jumped up and down.

"No way shitty captain, This is for my beloved nami-swan only"

"Please Sanji I'm really hungry" luffy begged like a child

*Boogsh* *Boogsh*

before sanji was going to finish his sentence, I hit them in the head.

"Namiiii~"said luffy in a whining voice

"Nami-swannn♡~~why did you hit me too" sanji whined with hearty eyes


Th-this place I think I saw it before. No, that can't be right. Huh? I feel dizzy all of a sudden.

*Poke* *Poke* *Poke*

"Huh? D-did you say s-something?"
Ugh! My head is killing me.

Third person view

Nami suddenly turned numb and stopped walking. Zoro soon noticed nami wasn't following them

"What's wrong nami " zoro asked

She didn't answer,all of them looked at her with questioning look

"Oi, nami? What's wrong" This time, usopp was the one who asked.

Again she didn't answer

"N-nami,what's w-wrong are you seeing something scary" chopper asked with scared tone

Again she didn't answer

"Nami-swan?what's wrong?" Sanji followed to asked and again no respond.

Luffy poked nami's cheeks then stared at her "Oi nami, are you alright? Why aren't you answering them?" Luffy is really worried but he kept his posture

"Luffy-san stop poking nami-san, there's a possibility that you can make a hole in her cheeks" brook said

"Huh?D-did you guy say something?" Finally nami answered but she looked troubled with something. But before someone answered her, She started to fell in the ground.

"NAMIII!!" Luffy ran and held her before she fell completely to the ground.

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