Special Chapter

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Author's POV

It has been 3 months since they sailed away from the island where natsu lived, and it was 3 months since nami and luffy started to be a couple

Today the Strawhat crew are just doing there usual stuff except for luffy, franky and usopp. they are at usopps work place/factory talking about something UNUSUAL


"Luffy when are you and nami gonna have a little..uhmm...you know...little luffy and nami?" Usopp asked in a funny tone

"What do you mean little me and little nami?" What does that even mean? Little nami and me? That sounds cool!

"Usopp means when will you have a SUPERRR baby with nami-neesan?" Franky explained to me with his Famous pose

"Ohhh! Ah baby @^@... Wait, how can i get a baby? @.@ " To think of it gramps didn't tell me how to get or buy? a baby

"You mean you don't know how to SUPERRR make a baby?"

"Wait, I can make a baby?Woah that's cool!" *O* I didn't know i can make a baby, i never tried to make one since i didn't know i can make one.


"Wait, I can make a baby?woah that's cool" Can someone remind me if why this man is our captain? Right now his eyes are sparkling like an innocent child.

"That facial expression is killing me" I told him while face-palming how can someone be this innocent? He's like a 9 years old boy

" Why didn't you told me that i can make a baby? So how does this works?" Oh kamisama! Why?! How can we explain it to luffy?!

"Ahehehehe luffy, lets play truth or dare again" please say yes! please say yes! please say yes! please say yes!

"Nah, oh how ab-" Before luffy said something, nami called him. Praise you Oh Lord Nami!

"Luffy? Where are you?" Nami yelled

"Oh Nami! Im here at usopp's work place!" After luffy told that he went to nami in the sunny's head


"Luffy? Where are you?" Hmmmm, i wonder where he could be

"Oh Nami! Im here at usopp's work place!" After luffy said that he slinged infront of me in sunny's head

"Watch where you're slinging baka! *Boogsh!* " he almost landed on me.

"Ouch! nami what was that for? Well anyway, why were you calling me?" luffy said while grinning even he was just hit by his gorgeous girlfriend, me.

"Oh good thing you asked, I almost forgot. Let's have a talk in the.. uhhhmm...in the uhhhmm, oh yeah the Aquarium Bar so no one can disturb us" I held his hand then drag him towards the aquarium bar


"Ok luff, don't be shock because I'll be Straightforward,ok?" I asked him nervously

"Ok @^@" he said while smiling like an idiot -.-

" *ehem* errhhh.. It's just that we've been a couple for 3 months right? We've been hugging and holding hands, but that's all. The thing is I want us to, you know, errmm...kiss? And more? *Blush* " OK this is embarrassing *Blush*

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