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That man in the picture is natsu

Thirds person view

"Why you little!!" Sanji shouted and started to kick natsu but gladly, natsu dodge it with one swift move.

"Did he used mantra?"usopp whispered to zoro but it was loud and clear enough to allow everyone to hear it.

"Yeah, I think so too" zoro answered

"SUUUKKEEEE!!"chopper was amazed that Someone can dodge sanji's attack

Sanji was about to attack natsu in the chest but stopped when nami punched him in his head.

"Sanji-kun, can you behave a little" Nami said in calm tone but her eyes said 'behave-if-not-i-will-charge-you-a-debt'

"Aye nami-swan~♡"sanji said with his noodle dance

Nami turned to luffy and sense his deadly aura back again.

'What's wrong with him?' nami though

"What's wrong with him?" nami wasn't the only one that noticed luffy's deadly aura, usopp noticed it too.

"I don't know" Nami answered, she really didn't know.

"Hmmm" Usopp hummed "maybe his hungry"

"Maybe" Nami answered

"Oi,guys let's get going " zoro said in bored tone

"Yeah let's go"luffy said in cold and emotionless tone

"WAIT FOR ME ROBIN-CHWAAAANN I'M COMING FOR YOU" sanji shouted, he already dashed outside with a noodle dance.

Nami face palmed at sanji's action towards women

"Bye natsu, Nice meeting you" Nami smiled while saying goodbye to natsu

Natsu smiled at her and waved goodbye

"See you tomorrow" Natsu said

"Yeah, see you tomorrow" Nami responded

"Nami let's go" Luffy held nami's hands and dragged her out of the house, even though he was dragging her, his hand was gently holding her hand.

*Dug* *Dug* *Dug* *Dug* *Dug*

Nami smiled and couldn't help feeling something churning in her stomach.


Back in sunny (Dinner)

All the strawhat crew are still the same while they were eating, nothing change.

Luffy is stealing everyone's food, Usopp and chopper protecting their food from luffy, Zoro and sanji is eating WHILE fighting, Brook is eating gently while laughing at luffy's eating manners, Franky is eating and telling a story about the ships that he made in the past, and nami and robin is eating like a royalty.

"Luffy stay away from my food" usopp shouted

"NOPE!" Said luffy while trying to steal chopper and usopps food.

"Why won't you steal zoro's food instead" chopper asked pointing his hooves to zoro

"He will cut my hand into pieces" luffy answered and chewed

"You bet I'll do" zoro said

"Then why not Nami's and robin's?" Usopp asked

"Nami will punch me" luffy answered

"You bet I'll do, and stop talking about someone when they can hear you, idiots!"Nami said

    A while later

"*Burp* I'm full" Luffy patted his tummy in satisfaction

"What the! You ate all the food bastard!" Sanji can't help his fuming anger towards luffy's eating habit

"NYAHAHAHAHA!!"Luffy was laughing like mentally crazy person

"Shitty bastard" Sanji whispered, he knows he can't do anything about luffy's behavior towards foods

"I'm finished, Arigatou sanji-kun" When nami was finished, she left the dining room and went outside

"Your welcome nami-swaann~♡"

"Arigatou cook-san" Robin also left

"Your welcome robin-chwaann~♡
Ahhh, despite this shitty idiots
(his male crew), I'm still so lucky that nami-swan and robin-chwan is part of the crew and my angels"


After the mugiwara pirates ate, they headed to their rooms except for two certain members outside the deck

"Luffy? I thought you're already sleeping?" Nami approached luffy in sunny's head and sat beside him

"I can't sleep nami. I don't know why but that natsu guy is bothering my head" luffy looked upfront of him, not bothering looking at nami.

"What do you mean by 'bothering your head' luffy?" She stared at him, it's her first time staring at him for so long.

She looked at his eyes, when you look at it you'll see a round and plain eyes but if you stared at it more you can see different emotions and the longing in his eyes.

She turned to his nose which is pointed and looks nice.

To his hair that seems very soft and silky, she felt like she want to run her fingers to those hair locks.

And then to his lips, it looks chopped but still kissable and looks.... Delicious....


W-w-wait?! Wh-what am I doing?!  I m-mean, thi-thinking?!


"Well, ever since he hugged you, I don't know I suddenly felt angry and I wanted to punch him in his face countless of time. And I felt millions of needles poking my chest" Luffy told her what he felt earlier but he didn't know what that feeling was, all he know is it was like a torture.

In the other hand, Nami was still scolding herself. Inshort, she didn't hear his confession.

Nami still didn't respond to him so he looked at her in curiosity.

"Nami are you ok?"

"H-huh? Oh y-yes luffy hehe. Did you say something?" as nami snapped out of her thoughts she heard luffy yawn

"Nevermind that, I already forgot what we were talking about. I'm going to the men's quarter room now nami I'm kinda getting sleepy. Goodnight nami sweetdreams."

"Goodnight luffy sweetdreams"

Nami was getting disappointed, she wanted luffy to stay by her side a little longer but she was sleepy as well. So she shrugged it off and they went to dream land.

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